13~ "Home"

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George snuggled into Dream, suppressing his sniffles that so desperately wanted to escape. He clung to him like his life depended on it. George inhaled dreams scent, as he nuzzled farther into the boy.

"Someone's cuddly tonight huh?" Dream laughed

"I know, I'm sorry" George began to move away, giving the taller boy his space. Dream pulled George back in, wrapping his arms tightly around him.

"No, I like it" he squeezed George tightly. Truth be told, the reason George was so touchy and lovey was because it was his last night with Dream. He really didn't want him to go, but he knew he had to. Dream had spent the past month and a half in London, which was long enough as it is. George didn't want to beg him to stay, so instead he wanted to savor every last minute he had with him. Dream didn't feel any different. He knew he had to go home...but was Florida really even home anymore? Dream let out a heavy sigh as he tried to fall asleep.


An alarm blared into the boys' ears, waking them up. George groaned and laid back down, covering his face with a pillow. Suddenly, he jolted up as he remembered why an alarm was set. Dream was going home today. George turned to Dream.

Dream pov

George's gaze met mine. His chocolate eyes, glossed over with sorrow, and puffy with sleep. I didn't want to leave him. I really didn't. I pulled him into a hug, as he began to cry into my chest.

"I'm going to miss you, idiot" he wipped his eyes

"It's not forever" I reassured him. Though, I was certain it would feel  like forever.

As George regained his composure I walked into the bathroom to let go of mine. I sat, with my face in my hands. Warm tears trailed down my cheeks as I thought about the pain of leaving George. I knew we would be fine, but it just hurt.


George walked me into the airport. His tiny hand gripped on to mine as we neared my gate.

"This is it" he quitely spoke

I turned to look at him. I cupped his face and he leaned into my touch. He stood on his tiptoes, giving me a loving kiss. I couldn't help but let a tear escape. George took his thumb and gently wiped away the tear, as he planted a kiss on my cheek in place of it.


I listened to the announcement and my heart sank.

" I love you so much George" I pulled him close, setting my chin on top of his head. He stayed for a minute, but then pulled away.

"Ok now go before you miss your flight dummy." He smiled through his sniffling.

I sighed and turned around, walking away.


George pov

I paced my house, checking every single notification and call I got. I was waiting to hear dreams voice once again. I was touch starved, and it had only been a few hours. I was longing for dreams touch and cuddles. I felt so alone without him, so broken. It felt like half of me had been ripped away. As I paced around I heard a call from my phone. I ran to my phone, picking it up as fast as I possibly could.


Dream softly giggled at my words

" I miss you already. Honestly George, I had to come back home to Florida. But Florida isnt home anymore. You are home George..." Clay's Voice faltered.

" I wish I was there in Florida with you. I miss you too much, it's unhealthy."

"Then come"

I thought for a moment. Dream had to be joking, as per usuall. however I would give anything to see him again. Even if that meant leaving London for good and living in Florida. Clay was right, London wasn't home to me anymore either... Not without him. He was my home, my safe place, my happiness.

"Haha yeah..." I trailed off

"I'm serious. I just...what would you think about planning to move in together"

"seriously...? Please tell me you're serious"

"I'm serious" he repeated

And with that we already began making arrangements.


I looked around my empty home. My belongings were packed away and already being shipped to Florida. I let out a content sigh. I didn't regret anything. I loved my home, it was full of amazing memories. But they were just that; Memories. This was a new chapter in my life. I took one final glance, as I picked up my small carry on, and headed out the door. The plane ride was excruciatingly long. I couldn't even sleep...I was far too busy thinking about Dream. I couldn't wait to see him again. It had been 2 moths since id last seen him. I nervously tapped my foot as the turbulence began to kick in. The plane was landing, and as it did, I grew more and more impatient.

I scanned the room, looking for a tall blonde man. He was no where to be seen. As I began to scan the room again, I felt strong arms snake around me. The familiar touch made me audibly gasp. I whipped around, Jumping into the arms of my lover. 

"DWEAMMMMMM" i screamed (for reference in recent streams this is what George has been calling him)

"Oh my god I missed you so much." he tightened his grip on me.

We let go of each other and headed to Clays car. The ride there was full of giggles, and wheezes. As we arrived, I examined the house. The outside was a pale blue, one of the few colors I could see. The interior of the house was lovely. An apple scent filled the air. The house was quite large, but very homey. I walked into the bedroom and set my bag down. Dream tackled me to the bed, and we fell into a fit of laughter 

"you've got be be exaugsted from the flight" he combed through my hair "lets take a nap...pleaseeeee"

"whose all cuddly now" i smirked. 

we climbed under the blankets, and I melted into Clay. Feeling his warmth again...His soft embrace. It was heavenly. I had missed every bit of this. I planted small soft kisses on his cheek, and he managed to sneak one on the lips. I didn't refuse, or laugh. Instead, I pushed my lips back on his. It was a long, loving, passionate kiss. One that had been long awaited.

Okay hiii!!! This was pretty much the shortest i could get it without cutting out major points of the story. Sadly, I feel this storyline is coming to an end. An epilogue may be in the near future. However, ill continue writing in the one shots book, even when this one is done. I also have a new book coming up. DONT WORRY THOUGH ITS NOT OVER YET.

1139 words

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