8~ "Aquarium"

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George's pov

I was stunned by what just happened. Without really thinking I pulled Dream in for another kiss. This one was longer and more passionate. I felt electricity in my veins. 

"How about we plan for an actual date...maybe sometime this weekend?" Dream looked at me

"I'd love to" I intertwined our fingers.


I looked in the mirror...I didn't know if I looked good or not. I wore a nice sweater and some normal jeans . Nothing too fancy or too casual. I didn't exactly know where we were going, since dream had looked for a place. I thought back to the night he asked me. It was so perfect. Not to mention these past couple of days have been great. Full of playful banter, jokes, and cuddling.

I walked into the living room and dream was sitting on the couch waiting. He had a nice dress shirt on, and jeans. I felt my face go warm as I looked at him.

He smirked and walked up to me "ready to go?" He said, wrapping his arms around me.


We headed to the restaurant and sat in a booth in the back. The restaurant was small but somewhat fancy. Warm light-filled room, as did soft piano music. I looked a dream, he wore a flushed, nervous expression.

"You know, I've been thinking a lot about what happened" he continued "I think I'd like to get to know a lot more about you. I know it sounds silly because you're my best friend and I practically know everything about you... but I mean like...romantically? I don't know id just like to see how this goes"

chocolate cake was placed in front of me clay spoke

"I was thinking about maybe extending my stay...if that's ok with you. I just wanted to spend some more time together." He chuckled nervously

"I think that would be great!" I replied

Dream gave a soft smile as he took a bite of the cake. I placed my hand lightly in his, as I ate with my other.

As we got home, I laid on the couch and turned on a movie. Dream lightly lifted me, so he could lay down, placing me on his chest.

I turned, planting soft kisses all over his face, avoiding his lips in order to tease him.

"Just kiss me alreadyyyyy" he whined

"I am kissing you"

Clay rolled his eyes and carefully grabbed my chin, pulling me into a  kiss. It was just as exciting as the first, my heart raced. 

I snuggled into dreams warm embrace. My legs intertwined with his.

Slowly, I drifted to sleep.


I woke up as clay began to shift under me.

"Hi" I mumbled bring him closer to me "it's time to get up, we should go do something today"

"Sounds good" 

as I went to get up I coughed under my breath "simp"

"What did you say?" He asked, with a playful glare in his eyes

"Nothing" I smirked, continuing to get up

Dream pulled me back onto the couch "what did you call me"

I waited until the perfect moment and said "a simp". As I bolted off the couch, clay followed close behind

"I'm not a simp!"

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