12~ "Happy Birthday"

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The day that dream would have to go back home was nearing. Every time I thought about it my heart ached. I knew that I would long for his touch again, that I would miss every sweet moment that we shared. I'd never felt so loved, and so content. I laid In my bed with dream next to me. I couldn't help but let a little tear fall. I was going to miss him so much. Of course, I'd still talk to him, But having a conversation through the phone isn't the same as being with him. I thought of every worst-case scenario. What if long-distance didn't work out? What if he met someone else back in Florida? Would he still care about me even if he didn't get to see me? As my thoughts began to wander, I let out a small sniffle. I tried to keep my sobs as quiet as possible and attempt not to wake dream up. Dream shuffled beside me and then looked at me.

"What's wrong, why are you crying" he whispered softly. He gently wiped the tears off my face with his thumb and caressed my cheek.

"I just don't want you to go home. That's all" I reapplied through my muffled sniffles.

" it's going to be fine. It's going to be exactly how it used to be when we talked on video chat and texted all the time. Except now I get to do it more often because you're my boyfriend" a small smile formed in his face, barely visible in the moonlight. "I don't wanna leave but we'll make it work"

"what if it doesn't work? What if you meet someone back in Florida and I'm all the way over here?" Tears began to fall faster.

Dream gently held my head in his chest with his arms around me. I sobbed into his bare chest as he spoke softly.

"George, don't think like that. I'm not gonna find anybody else. You're the only person that I want and I wouldn't change a single thing that's happened between us. Long-distance is going to be hard, but we'll figure it out"

"I love you" was all I could manage to choke out.

"I love you too. get some rest"


I woke up feeling a dip in the bed beside me. Most mornings were like this, Feeling clay next to me as he held me close. I could see out the window and it was a gloomy day, foggy and stormy.

I groaned, still feeling tired. I squirmed around in attempts to escape clays grasp. My movement seemed to wake him up.

"Good morninggggg" he planted a sloppy kiss on my lips

"Morning," I said smiling into the kiss

Clay checked the time and quickly got out of bed

"What's got you in a rush?" I said sitting up.

"I've just got somethings I want to take care of today"

I raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

Dream pov

I quickly showered before heading out the door in a rush. I grabbed George's car keys on the way out and practically sprinted, as I was already slightly behind schedule for what I wanted to do for the day. First, I checked the mail and grabbed the package I had ordered. The next thing I had to do was head to a small floral shop on the corner. When I arrived I was greeted by a nice lady.

"Hello, is there anything I can help you with? Looking for anything specific?"

"Uhh yes actually, do you have anything that's blue?"

"Yes of course right over here"

I scanned over the assortment of blue flowers until my eyes landed on a specific arrangement. The flowers were a bright blue color with yellow in the center.

"What are these?" I questioned

"oh, these are blue Himalayan poppies. They're actually quite rare for this area but we get them shipped in every so often. I think they're quite beautiful"

"I'll take them," I said with a confident smile.

As the lady packaged the delicate flowers she looked up at me.

"I'm sure the lucky lady will love these"

I scratched my neck nervously and laughed awkwardly "uhh lucky guy"

She gave a delighted expression as she spoke "oh lovely! I'm sure he will love them."

I waved a happy goodbye as I exited the shop. The last thing on my agenda was to go back home and pick up George. I tapped my foot nervously in the car as I neared his house. Once I was parked, I called him.

"be ready and come outside in 10."

" wait why? Never mind, Hold on I'm coming let me go get dressed really quick"

I hung up the phone and waited for him. As he approached I was mesmerized, his chocolate brown hair was slightly messy, and he wore a gray sweater and some jeans. He looked so pretty and so wholesome. I felt a stupid grin creep on my face as he opened the door.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see"


George pov

As I gazed outside the window the rain was slowly letting up. I had realized that Dream was driving up a trail, much like the one we had previously hiked, only this one wasn't made for hiking. As we came to a stop Dream looked at me.

"Go ahead of me I'll be there in a minute"

I was confused but obliged. As I got out of the car I had realized that we were in the same spot we had been when we went hiking only, we took a different path up. I gazed off into the wet atmosphere, looking up at the rainbow which appeared dull to me. From behind me, I heard footsteps, and I turned to meet clays eyes. He was holding vibrant blue flowers in his hand as he approached me. I smiled, at the flowers, which were my favorite color.

"What are these for?" I giggled

"For your birthday silly" he playfully punched my shoulder.

I quickly pulled out my phone to check the date. It read November 1st, 2020

"Woah I hadn't even realized!" I shook my head. I was suddenly pulled back to reality and I took the flowers from dreams hand. I brought them up to my nose to inhale the scent. It was a sweet, yet subtle smell.

"They're beautiful" I smiled as I tangled my fingers with his.

"Oh, and one more thing," he said holding a large box "close your eyes"

I did as I was instructed, and closed my eyes. I felt Dream place something on my face. It was a pair of glasses. He then carefully turned me around.

"Okay open"

I open my eyes. As I looked up at the sky, I stared at the rainbow in awe. I could see the colors more vividly. Each color was more vibrant and beautiful than it was before. I felt tears fill my eyes as I looked at my surroundings. Everything was filled with so much color. I had never seen anything so beautiful, so incredible.

I turned to speak to dream but I was speechless as I looked at him. I brought my hand to his cheek, slowly rubbing my thumb against his flushed freckles. His lips were a soft pink, and so was his face. The most captivating thing of all, however, were his eyes. His eyes were a beautiful sparkling emerald green. I couldn't peel my gaze from his.

"Your eyes..." I mumbled softly

He leaned into my touch.

"They're so pretty"

I pulled him in for a hug as I felt warm tears of joy slide down my flushed cheeks.

"Thank you" I sniffled

"Happy birthday, I love you"

(Just Incase I wasn't clear enough, Dream bought George color blind glasses for his birthday. Also, 3k reads? that's insane I love you guys. I'm sorry that this one took so long, I've been really caught up with school. Hope this long chapter made up for it)

1341 words

Colors // A dreamnotfound fanficWhere stories live. Discover now