1010 x reader Lemon

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"Then lead the way!" I said playfully saluting, oblivious to the few seconds that all their cheeks glowed at the pose I did,

"Right! Follow me!" Rin said as he held one of my hands and lead the way to the dance room.

I didn't realize how fast we got there as I was more mesmerized with the interior design of the mansion, the all went into the room, Eloni being the last one who tapped my shoulder, breaking me out of my entrance before entering as well. I shuffled into the room, stretching out my arms while I scanned the really large room, I get that these robots are real tall, I only reach half way to their waist, and therefore probably have a long reach but this is a bit much. The five of them waited for my command, lined up in a straight line, watching my every move curiously.

"Alright!" I clapped my hands together, creating a small echo in the room, "Are you ready to overwork your curcuits?" Haym looked worried, Rin gave an awkward laugh, Purl-Hew tilted his head down a bit to look at me without his aviators, Zimelu gave a smirk, and Eloni looked off to the side, but he seemingly was distracted by something before that,

"Hehe, (Y/N) I think my curcuits are already burning because of you!" Rin flirts, catching me off guard for a moment, making unconsciously cover my chest, that was when Eloni finally looked back at me, oh.... that's why....

Little thing about myself that I probably should've mentioned before, I was kind of blessed with a large chest, although the back pain doesn't make it feel like a blessing. I'd say I'm a C or D cup, so if I'm thinking correctly, since these robots can feel, then they could possibly feel arousal...Damn I shouldn't have worn a sports bra today....

"Okay, I have few ideas in my mind and we'll work through each one, and depending on which fits the song more and whether it fits with your dance style will choose which dance we will practice here on forward. You ready?!"

"Yes ma'am!" They said simultaneously.

-----Timeskip to 5 hours later-----

Sweat dripped off my body, my hands on my knees, panting and trying to catch my breath, yet I was grinning at the burning I felt all throughout my body. The only other one really expressing exhaustion was Haym, who was wobbling around while the others stood stiffly, although they all were trying to catch their 'breath.' I stood up straight, wiping the sweat off my face,

"Alright, woo, I think were done for today," I covered up my chest before turning to them,

"I'm not the boss of you, so you're free to do what you want now!" I said, before speeding out of the room, and rushing to the nearest room to shut myself in.

Moments later, I realized that this was Rin's room, seeing a big portrait of himself on the opposite wall, I walk away from the door to look at myself in the mirror. Sweat had drenched my sports bra, making me sigh and hope that Rin doesn't visit his room anytime soon, taking it off, leaving my actual bra the only thing that actually covered my chest, although less efficient than the sports bra.

"(Y/N) are you okay?!" Haym bursted into the room, along with the other four robots, making me squeal and cover my chest.

This time I saw all their cheeks glow brightly, Eloni covering his eyes to try and be respectful, the others just staring at me, the door being closed by Rin. Rin then looked down, and he must've saw something cause he bit his lip looking to the side, before looking down at a specific spot on each of his fellow members, his eyes showing more worry at each glance. I decided to follow his trail of eyesight which was...to the crotch...and there was a tent. On each of them...

I look back up to Rin to see him awkwardly looking at me and then looking away, I sigh noticing that this situation was caused by me, I took a deep breath and slowly uncovered my chest,

"Do you need, um, help?" I awkwardly ask them, Rin looking at all of them before all start walking towards me.

Eloni went behind me, Purl-Hew went to my right side, Rin went in front of me, Zimelu went near my chest, and Haym went to my left. The five robots pulled out their cocks, I slipped off my leggings along with my underwear and spread my legs open to let Rin get full access to my nether region, Rin took a couple steps closer, his cock now touching my entrance.

"You ready?" Rin asked me, I nodded my head, not trusting my voice at the moment.

Purl-Hew grasped my chin and turned my head to look at him, Eloni, slipped his hand into my bra cupping my voluptuous breasts, Zimelu grasped his cock, Haym's breath tickling my neck. All in one moment everything fell into eternal bliss. Purl-Hew hungrily kisses my lips, Eloni massages my breasts, Rin entered me, Zimelu pumped his cock, and Haym sucked on my neck.

My moans were muffled by Purl-Hew's lips, allowing him to slip his tongue and wrestle it with mine, Eloni traced and flicked my buds, Rin thrusting into me, Haym being a little unexperienced just sucked and licked my neck infrequently. It all felt so good, yet it also felt overstimulating, the french-kissing, the hickies I'm recieving, Rin thrusting into me, Eloni massaging my breasts, even when Zimelu isn't doing anything to my body his watchful gaze is just as arousing.

"I-uh- ah!" Haym exclaimed, pulling away from my neck and suddenly cumming onto me, the lukewarm liquid drenching my arm and thigh. 

Not long after Haym came, I felt the same lukewarm liquid on my lumbar back along with the absence of Eloni's hands on my breasts, hearing faint panting behind me,

"Felt...good..."Eloni whispered, Purl-Hew pulled away, a string of saliva connecting our mouths,

"It sure does." He said grasping my hand and making me pump his cock till he came on my hand with a low grunt, his panting fogging up his glasses.

My moans now sound through the room, no longer muffled by Purl-Hew's succulent lips, I tried to muffle them myself so that Neon J couldn't hear us doing something, well something we shouldn't be doing at all. Zimelu suddenly growled, pumping his cock faster before releasing all over my chest, the pastel-red liquid dripping down the valley between my chest. The last one still giving me pleasure was Rin, whom was already getting sloppy with his thrusting.

He looked up at me with half-lidded eyes, chuckling at my pleasure-ridden state, before groaning and slipping out his cock. White liquid squirting from the tip of his cock all over my abdomen. 

The only sounds in the room being our pants and groans. 

"You guys okay now? For the most part heh?" I ask, but my lazy smile turned to shock as we heard the door open.

We were busted.


(A/N)- Alright so, it is now midnight, and I kinda got sidetracked a lot so, this didn't turn out as perfect I was hoping but, I like to have a suddne where Neon J was just like 'where was everyone?' and then he wanted to check on Rin, and boom, busted! Anyway this was fun so thank you again princesssonic99 for requesting this! I kinda hope that this wasn't really scatter-brained, but as always, everyone be safe, and have a good day/afternoon/night!

-ChibiRedFox (1831  Words)

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