Pancakes & Pumpkin Juice

Start from the beginning

After meeting some of Cedric's friends you said goodbye and Cedric waved to you as you got up and left the Hufflepuff table. Breakfast was pretty much over. You walked out of the hall resisting not to look at the Slytherin table again. You walked up the moving stairs to the Gryffindor room once again.

You found Harry impatiently waiting by the door.

"Good your finally here, I thought you would never come." Harry said as he grabbed my hand and walked me down the stairs.

"Harry I was only about (you looked at the time) oh- 15 min late. I'm sorry Harry I just got caught up with Cedric, I wasn't paying attention to the time." You let go of Harry's hand and you pressed your hands together in guilt.

"Don't worry about it, now's a better time anyways- all the students are starting to leave." I followed Harry down to an empty hallway. He took out his invisibility cloak and threw it over us

We were now shoulder to shoulder as Harry took out the Marauder's Map. Harry whispered a spell as ink slowly started to appears and the map of Hogwarts appeared along with footsteps of everyone who was near us.

"Wow Harry this is bloody amazing." You whisper running a finger along the map.

"Yeah it is, thank Fred and George later about it" Harry said while planning a route for us to escape.

You noticed three particular footsteps walking fast towards Snape's classroom. It was Pansy, Blaise and Draco. What were they up too?

"Looks like we can get out of here without running into any problems...let's move." Harry said folding back the map and stuffing it back into his pocket. You were still focused on the three Slytherins suspiciously in Snape's potion class but Harry folded the map up leaving you in wonder, you wanted answers from Draco.

We started slowly walking at first not getting the hang of walking in sync but eventually we moved faster as we leaned. We went through a hallway I didn't even now existed with creepy photos and statutes along the wall.

All the sudden we hear fast pacing footsteps along the stone ground. Harry and I looked at each other in panic but Harry put his finger up to his mouth to tell me not to make a sound. He slowly moved to the edge of the wall pulling my waist so it wouldn't be to loud. The footsteps turn the counter. It was Professor Snape. He was walking fast, like he was in a hurry. He stopped as he turned the counter and starred right at Harry and I as if we were visible.
Harry held his breathe and gently covered my mouth with his hand telling me to not breathe. Snape walked closer with a curious face on him and he flew his hand in the air trying to find us. He tilted his head as he leaned closer to us. My heart was racing as I was making full eye contact with Snape.
He leaned back and adjusted himself back into walking. He walked down the hall out of our direction now.
Harry slowly put his mouth down as you took a deep breathe of air.

"Well that was fun, wasn't it?" Harry said trying to brighten my mood.

"exhilarating." You sarcastically said rolling your eyes.

"The things I do just to go on a date." You whispered under your breathe but Harry heard you loud and clear.

"Trust me y/n, it's worth date, Cedric is a good pick." Harry said taking a deep breathe. You could tell he was a little irritated but you played it dumb and pretended not to notice.

Harry and I got out of Hogwarts smoothly after that the rest was just a long walk to Hogsmeade with the invisibility cloak on.

"So what do you get for Cedric?" Harry said breaking the silence as we walked in sync.

"What do you mean- it's not like his birthday or anything....right?" I turned to Harry who was starring at the pathway to Hogsmeade.

"No- his birthday isn't until October, you've got a good 2 weeks until that."

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