One for Every Day of the Week

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We got into a rhythm where I'd dress up and be Julie at least once a week. I had a hard time doing it more than twice a week because although I didn't have much of a beard, I do have delicate skin, and frankly I'd get razor rash. Emma never quite knew how to take this and often seemed short with me whenever I'd opt out of playing Julie by mentioning it. Then for our anniversary she gave me a little surprise.

I opened the pink envelope near the fireplace in the living room. "It's a gift certificate for hair removal?"

"Well, you're always complaining about shaving. You know, you can get it lasered off once or twice before any of it really stops growing back permanently, so just look at this as a little preview to see if you like it."

We stayed a day late on our next trip to SF so I could go by the laser clinic. The whole procedure took about an hour and a half, and left my skin red and bumpy. It wasn't until a few days later that the hair dropped out, but when it did my body and face felt smooth and soft... like a woman's.

After the second treatment, Emma had another surprise for me. When we got home she showed me a closet full of seven maid's uniforms each one a different style or color.

I stood there silently until Emma poked me in the ribs saying, "Pretty nifty hunh? One for every day of the week... I was thinking now that you don't need to worry about shaving maybe you could stay Julie... for a little while, just for fun."

I felt a chill and the whole world seemed to swirl around me. I managed to reply, "I don't know what to say. This is a little overwhelming."

She'd noticed my reaction, and responded by holding one of the uniforms up to me. "Just say yes! Think of it as a game, a challenge to see how long you can stay Julie. What do you think?"

"How would that work?"

"You know, like you're playing a part. Just act as much like my maid as you can for as long as you can, and I'll try and act like a proper mistress, enforce discipline and all that, just to see if we can keep it up, just for fun."

"It does sound like... but I don't know. Being Julie is a little demeaning."

"Aww, come on we both know you like it," she said, picking at my shoulders.

"Maybe sexually... yes..."

"What is wrong with that?" She grabbed my bottom. "Does having a week or two of sexual fun disturb you so much?"

"A week or two?"

"Yes! Let's take next week off, or just make up some excuse so we can work at home. It should last at least as long as that."

"What do you mean, could it last longer?"

"Oh wouldn't that be too bad?" Emma said examining her nails. "Actually, I am a little curious."

"What do you mean curious?"

"It's just that it's been pretty easy for us to slip into these roles. Even if we enjoy them, I just wonder if we could get used to them...

"You think I could get used to being your maid?"

"Don't get my hopes up, but I have a feeling we're both going to like this. If we keep an open mind and have fun with it, we might grow accustomed to it. As soon as it becomes something one of us is just enduring, we should quit. Let's just look at it as a sexy little experiment."

"I guess I could give it a try... just for fun, but it'd be quite the change to go from your husband to your servant."

"I know! and if it just so happens that we find we prefer it that way, what's to stop us?" She said and chewed her bottom lip. Then she helped me get dressed.

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