Part 74

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10 minutes later, and still no sign of Draco. He was the one that told me to wait here. Why hasn't he come here yet? 5 more minutes before I leave. I think. The door swings open, before looking at the door I say, "Finally, took you long enough." I now look at the door, but it is not Draco. It is Pansy and Daphne. Kissing. "Soulton, what are you doing here?" Pansy breaks away from Daphne. "I was wai-" I say. "You were leaving. Get out!" Pansy yells. "And do not tell anyone!" she threatens. I nod, quickly get up and walk out of the room. In shock of what I just saw, Pansy and Daphne? What the? I am in such a rush and shock I didn't notice Draco standing in front of me. I walk into him. "Baby are you ok?" He asks steadying me. "What? Oh, yes totally." I say, now fully aware of where I am and who I am with. "Come on, let's go to the classroom." he says, "Oh, we can't!" I almost yell. "What? Why not?" "Uh, it is locked." I say "I just saw you walk out." "Ok, fine it isn't locked. We just can't go in. I can't tell you why." I say, I hate lieing to him. "Well, what ever. Let's go to another classroom then." he says, a little annoyed with me. I also can tell he is nervous to tell me what is going on, making me only more curious than I already was. We walk into another classroom, I jump onto a desk while Draco closes the door behind us. "So, what is it?" I ask, impatiently. He says nothing, he just looks at me, nervousness clearly on his face. "Come on babe, don't be scared to tell me. Please." I say, motioning him to stand closer to me. He moves closer to me and stands in between my legs. "I am scared, to tell you. I am scared you will leave me again. I can't let you go again." he says, tears in his eyes. I feel my eyes fill up with tears too. "Oh, please, baby, don't be scared. I promise you, I will never leave you again." I say a crack in my voice. He lets himself fall into my arms, crying. "Baby, I love you." I say. "I love you too." he whispers. I let him sob a little, but I need to know what it is he is so affraid to tell me. So I place my hands on his cheeks and make him look at me. "Please, tell me." I say softly. He nods. But doesn't say anything. He rolls up his left sleave, revealing a tattoo. It is a skull, with a snake running through its mouth. I have seen this before, I just can't remember where. I trace it with my fingers. "What does this mean?" I ask. "It means, I am a Death Eater." Draco states. "You are a what?" I say in shock, a little too loud. I cover my mouth with my hand quickly. "A Death Eater?" I whisper "For how long?" "Since this Summer. I didn't want to, but my father and mother both are one, so the Dark Lord wanted me to join. I had no choice!" he says, fear in his eyes. "It is ok baby, I know you didn't have a choice. You may seem bad to people around you, but I know you, you are not. You just never have a choice, you never been given a choice, or a voice. I know you would choose the right thing if you could. I believe in you, you are not a bad person." I say, holding his face again. "I love you, I always will. And I am not just saying that, I promise you I will." I say. A tear falls down my cheek, but I ignore it. Draco clearly doesn't know what to say or do, so I just kiss him, I don't blame him. I taste his tears as I kiss him. He pulls away. "Thank you." "Always." I say kissing him again. "So this is why you were so unavailable?" I ask when I break away. "Yes, and I hate it, sorry." he says. I pull him into a hug, "I told you, it is alright." I say once again. We stay here and talk for a little bit more. "I think we should get back." I say. I hop off the table to walk to the door. "We should." Draco agrees, we sneak out of the door. But as we do so, Pansy and Daphne do the same. I turn to Draco to see if he noticed, and he did. Shit. "What the hell?" Draco says, loud enough for Pansy and Daphne to hear. They look at me, angerly. "Sorry, I didn't know." I say. "You knew they were in there?" I nod. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because Pansy told me not too." I exclaim. "You little shit." Daphne says, pointing to me. "Don't talk to her like that!" Draco says making fists. Ready to throw a fight. "Draco stop it, it is fine." I say. "No it is not, I told you not to tell anyone!" Pansy says. They have now walked closer to us. "I didn't, I also didn't know you two would still be there. Or leave at the same time as we did." I explain. "Whatever." Daphne says, she turns to Pansy "Let's go." she says, taking her hand and walking away, Pansy pushes me. I almost fall to the ground but Draco grabs my arms to steady me. "You knew?" he asks turning me around. "Well, yes, right before I run into you I saw them, the went in there while I was waiting for you. That is why we couldn't go into that classroom." I tell him. He humphs. "Fine, don't believe me." I say annoyed. "Goodnight." I walk away. "No wait, Olive, sorry. I believe you." Draco says, grabbing my hand. "It didn't look like it." I say. "I know sorry." "Ok. I am going to bed." "Can I sleep with you tonight?" he asks. "I don't know if Hermione would enjoy that." I say. "Or is it you who doesn't want that?" he asks. "You are crazy! Of course I want that. I love it when I wake up in your arms in the morning. I am now really thinkin if Hermione would be ok with that." I say earning a smile from Draco. "I love it too, waking up with you in my arms." I kiss him. "Screw that, Hermione can take you one night, and if not, well it is her problem then." I say, I grab his hand and we walk to my room.

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