Part 54

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I get back to my room and walk in. Hermione sits straight on her bed when she hears me sobbing. "What happened?" she asks. I look at her, "Draco happened." I say and lay down on my bed. I fall asleep instantly. "Oh I am so sorry." I hear Hermione say. The next morning I wake up, get dressed then wake Hermione. "Come on, we need to get to the Great Hall for breakfest." "Yeah." she says and gets up from her bed and gets dressed, I cumb my hair. We walk into the Common Room and Harry, Neville and Ron are there. "Hey, what happened last night after I left?" Harry asks. "Don't want to talk about it." I say. "Don't worry, that is fine." he replies and we walk to the Great Hall. I feel a lot of eyes on me when I walk into the Great Hall. I hear whispers: "Did they really break up?" "Draco rent her out. Poor girl." Then I see Draco standing at his table. He looks miserable. He looks at me and I see a layer of tears in his eyes. I jerk my head away, to not let him see how bad this affects me as well. "Did you really break up with him?" a kid asks me when I walk past him. "Shut up, let her be." Ron says and I see him push his head back towards the table. I sigh, great, now everyone knows. I will hear about this for another month. "Do you want to go?" Hermione asks me. "No, I am not going to give in. I am not doing that." I say and keep walking to a seat and sit down. Luna comes up to me and hugs me. "I am sorry." she says I nod and let go of her. "Thanks." We all eat well, I don't really. I feel sick, this is all to much. All this attention on me and Draco is sickening. "You don't look so good." Ron tells me. "Gee, thanks Ron." I say. "No I didn't mean it like that. I mean, it doesn't look like you feel good." he says. "Sorry, I don't, it is all so much, I can't handle it." "Then go to bed. Rest today." Harry says. "We will tell that you are sick." Hermione says reassuring. "Thanks." I say and get up. I walk to my room and lay down on my bed. I grab a book and start to read. Eventually I feel my eyes getting heavy again. I put my book down and fall asleep. I wake up by a scream. I run out of my room and into the Common Room. "What?!" I say as I see Hermione sitting at the desk with her head in her hands. "Those damn OWLs. I just can't seem to get it." "You scared me Hermione." I say and sit on the desk. "It will be fine. You can do this, you are Hermione Granger after all." I say petting her shoulder. She looks up at me with a small smile on her face. "Thanks Olivia. Are you ready for the OWLs?" she asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I think so. I don't know. I will see. I am going to study again now. I almost forgot they are tomorrow to be perfectly honest." I say. "Well, you go do that! I will come to get you when we have the feast." she says and turns back to her books.


The day of the OWLs. I couldn't seem to concentrated yesterday because all that had happened. But I think I am ready. Harry, Ron and I are sitting in the Common Room. "Where is Hermione by the way, I haven't seen her all morning." Ron says. "She has been studying all morning in our room." I tell him. "Is she really that scared of the OWLs? She is the brightest witch I know." Ron says. "Hey, what about me?" I say with a hurt undertone. "Oh, shut up. You know what I mean." he replies. Then Hermione comes down the stairs. "There you are! Class is about to start!" Ron says standing up. "Sorry, I have been studying all night, I fell asleep." she admits. "Well, let's go to class." Harry says. We have Potions and Herbology before the OWLs tonight. And Potions means I have to sit with Draco. Not really looking forward to that. We get to the dungeons and I see Snape talking to Draco. It doesn't look good. I want to go over there so badly to see if Draco is ok. But I know I shouldn't. So I walk into the classroom and take my seat. Then Draco and Snape walk into the classroom as well and Draco takes his seat next to me. "Hey." he says I ignore him. He places his hand on mine, I yank mine out of his grip and shuffle to the other corner of the table, to not sit to close to him. "Today, you have the OWLs I hope that you are well prepared." Snape says. I couldn't focus on his class at all today. "Do you understand it?" Draco asks. I look at him. "Malfoy, please don't talk to me." I say and look back to my books. "Sorry..." he says. Class is over so we head to Herbology. "Hello class. Are you all ready for the OWLs? I don't think they are to bad this year. You are all bright students, you will pass them easily!" Sprout says. Smiling at us. "Well, let's start with the lesson of today then." she says and learns us about a lot. Finally the day is over and we get to the Great Hall for the dinner feast. "I can't wait for the OWLs to be over." Ron says stuffing his mouth with chicking wings. "I know. I am already so over it." I say taking a bite of an apple. "Good evening students! The OWLs will be held here in about an hour. So after dinner get out so we can transform the room." Umbridge says.

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