Chapter 2 I hate you

Start from the beginning

[Look! Farrahkeks brought the father back from the dead!]

He would always be worried about you and your sister. He sometimes calls you to ask if you're alright. It's really sweet of him to ask you if you're doing alright at the moment but you're not really used to that.
You were creeped out at first but after a bit of thinking you came to the conclusion that Jack has been very stressed and worried lately.

If someone would be in your brothers' shoes then they would also be very stressed.
One moment your father is leaving to go to work, the next moment you receive a phone call from the hospital saying that your father got hit by a car and then you get told that you need to take over the company while your father is in the hospital.
Not very easy to deal with.

You narrow your eyes at the people in front of you. There's nothing you can say to them and there's nothing you can do to them except narrowing your eyes at them.

It would be stupid of you to run straight at them and try to attack them. One of them wears a t-shirt and those arm muscles look like they could beat you to the hospital.

And your brother already said something and you have no idea if you should add something to it.

Suddenly a guy with a really complicated symbol on his face takes a step towards you four and says: "I apologize for putting your sister into big trouble and I also apologize for the behaviour of my peers. And I also apologize for your living room."

"Apology accepted!" your sister says from behind your brother. You and your brother turn around and stare at Jackie, to which she responds with looking down at the floor and swalling her saliva up.

Anyway, since your siblings are busy right now you might as well try to talk the strangers and find out their side of the story.

You turn back to the strangers and say: "Well now that we've heard my sisters' side of the story, it would be nice of you guys if you would tell your side of the story."
"That's an easy story to tell. We were all doing our own business and then all of sudden we're here." one of the strangers says. This strangers' face is clompletely white with the exception of a red dot that is in the middle of their face.
"And after that?"
"We saw your sister and we all began to panic."

"What? Why did you all began to panic?" you ask them. Who in the world would begin to panic when seeing your sister? She has one of the most friendliest appearings that you've seen in real life.
Jackie has long dark brown hair and dark blue eyes that look like big glassmarbles.
And your brother looks like a genderbend version of your sister. And he looks more cool than friendly.

"We thought your sister would attack us. And with 'we' I mean America and South Korea. They both began to scream all of a sudden so some of us also began to scream because of them."
"Don't call us out like that Japan!" another stranger says. This stranger has the flag of the USA.
"I'm going to call you out as much as I want to." 'Japan' says.

These two just called themselves with the names of countries. Now that you're taking a closer look at their faces, none of them is wearing face paint. The so called face paint is their skin colour. And their faces look awfully a lot like flags of countries.

Why didn't you notice that before?

"Are you guys some kind of humanized version of countries?" you ask the strangers.

Everyone in the room stares at you.

You hate this kind of attention. It's as if the whole world is looking at you because you said one of the most stupid things one person could say.

Something like trees are made out of wool or books are made for war or whatever stupid things someone could say which makes zero sense.

"Yes we are. You must be quick to catch up to things." one of them says. They obviously meant to say it in sarcasm and their face is the flag of Greece.

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