Chapter 2 I hate you

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[Author here, if I wrote a word wrong, have no idea what something is called and/or made grammar mistakes, please point it out and say what I did wrong. I want to improve my english because it's not my first language.]

"Jackie? Who are those people with coloured faces?" you ask after what feels like eterneties of silence and staring at the scene in the living room. When in reality only 2 minutes have passed since you opened the door. Time can be so confusing sometimes.

When someone enters your home, the living room is the first thing they'll see. And because of that you, your siblings and the three cleaning people that work for you three, keep that room especially tidy to make a good impression incase someone is visiting you.

An announced visit, an unannounced visit or no visit at all, the living room is always the most cleanest room in the entire mansion.

But for some reasons there are things lying on the floor including a teared up pillow (rest in peace pillow) and your mothers' favourite flower pot is gone.

This is not the only weird thing you're seeing right now, there are also a bunch of strangers with face paint in the living room.

And all you can think of is: "What the fuck?"

"And what happened inside here while we were gone?" you add to your question and wave your hands around the living room, gesturing to the small chaos. And the strangers.

"Oh uhm, yeah. About that. What happened was..." your sister begins to say but trails off. Probably because of how nervous she is right now.

"What happened was?" You urge your sister to continue talking.
"It may sound stupid. It may sound like I made it up, but I swear I'm telling you the truth!"
"Then what is the truth?"
"They appeared out of nowhere!"
"Ok. Now say that again but with more details."

"I was hungry and wanted to see what I can find inside the fridge to eat. So I walked downstairs into the kitchen but then I heard a noise coming from the living room! As if something heavy formed in the air and fell down!"

"This really sounds like something made up..." you hear your brother say quietly.

"And when I walked inside the room, I see these guys here! And then things almost escalated!"

"Almost?" Faye repeats. Oh, Faye is also here. You forgot about her existence for a second.

"Yes almost."
"Why almost?"
"Because if it wouldn't have been these three reasonable people here." your sister points at three people from the paint-face group. One of them has their entire face in red, a white crescent moon on the right side of their face and a white star to the left of the moon. The other stranger has three colours in a horizontal order. On top is black, in the middle is yellow and the last colour is white. And the third one has the flag of Germany on his face.
Is that guy obsessed with Germany or why would he paint his face like that?

"I probably would have gotten hurt!"
"WHAT?!" you and your brother suddenly shout at the same time.

Jack immediately runs to your sister, grabs her by one of her arms, runs back to you, stands in front of Jackie and you stand in front of your brother.

Now you two look like some kind of Jackleen protection group right now with a confused bystander.

The bystander is Faye.

"Just what in the world were you people doing to our sister?" Jack asks the strangers in a warning tone.

Ever since your father has been brought to the hospital, Jack has been very protective of you and Jackie. Your brother turned into a mother hen.

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