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Hello! my dear readers I hope you are gonna enjoy this story, since this is based of off game characters and not the anime so it will be unique take.

As for people who have read my first story and read the A/N of that I introduce you to 'Pokémon Elite High' this is the first book which i have created from the ground up with the help of youtuber who inspired me to make this since he made a series of this and I wanted to make it in writing since i love it but I am gonna enjoy making it cause this different from 'Rebirth From Past' in everything I mean EVERYTHING I mean the shipping is completely different.....

NOW NOW! don't kill me that Serena is not shipped with Ash but in this universe he doesn't exist and plus they are adults by canon in this one so don't blame if she is shipped with the person we all despise at least in the books not in the games (I am an Amourshipper) but since I wasn't able to think of a story at the time for both of them. so........ I made this I hope you all enjoy this plus I think this is most likely gonna have more than 40 chapters...

yeah you heard it right this has more than 40 chapters, I guess that's what happens if i use my brain instead of the mess I have created in the other book 

But to everyone who were waiting for the Amourshipping book after 'Rebirth from past' that thing is not gonna be in making until this is finished and Don't worry I plan on finishing this one and I am also thinking about the plot in other books too like in 'Rebirth From Past' I think I can change it here and there but in the meantime I am gonna think about the plot for the new book of amourshipping which was suggested by my reader kileerX he has suggested me an idea and I am thinking of making that into a book if that link doesn't work I will have external  one go chuck him a follow and read his book I am sure he has great stories cause I am reading rn! or at least start to since I have taken interest in them...

so I have explained you guys how this book is gonna be and the other ones too! for the schedule I am thinking of doing 4 days out of 7 it can be random days but I will update 4 times a week! It can be sometimes multiple chapters or only 1 chapter update a day and yes, why can I update it so many times? because I have made my notes of this on Notepad so I am all ready and packed for this one so you can really expect some regular and big updates and yes for the time I am making it is currently Friday for me at the time so I will mostly release a chapter on Saturday basically tomorrow and if i am in mood and have free time then expect some on Sunday since the starting of this book has small chapters its gonna be easy to make them but at the ending of them its gonna big so expect it to be like less frequent then until then 

Peace ✌


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