Tears trailed down my face as panic raced its way through my body.

(Rosalyn's POV)

* three hours later *

"What do you mean he's dead?!" Anjelica screamed her hands touching her face. I remained next to Brandon, his body stiff.

"Like I said Ma'am, the heart attack took a serious toll on his heart, his state was unstable but not dangerous to the point that we needed to operate, for some reason his heart opted to give up" the doctor said solemnly, a smear of blood on his shirt.

"Why did he convulse like that?!" She demanded again getting angry.

"That we are uncertain of so far, with some tests we should understand. The only plausible theory for now is that it was his nerves dying" Anjelica burst into another round of tears again and leaned into Valentine.

Fiore may have died, but Anjelicas' heart was dying along with him.

The doctor left us to be alone, Anjelica crying heavily again into Valentine, Valentine now looked empty and void of emotions.

Brandon remained stiff next to me. Walking away to get some coffee I felt compelled to ask if he was going to be okay, knowing it was stupid.


"If you ask me if I'm okay then I refuse to answer, it's a stupid question when I'm obviously not." He stated grabbing the coffee's.

"I love you..." I said looking down deciding to completely stay clear of that question, Brandon was in no mood to mess with. He stopped and looked down at me a hint of compassion evident in his eyes.

"I love you Rosé, I'm sorry.. I'm just... It's one thing for your father to die and another thing to all of a sudden be thrown into a drug trafficking business as its leader... If we get caught now it's me who gets the most punishment, and it's you who I now have to leave if it gets bad" he said looking away from and sighing deeply.

"I'm not leaving you Brandon, and you don't have to have that side of the business anymore.. Your in charge now..." I said trying to help ease some of his pain. As if the thought hadn't occurred to him he just looked at me dumbfounded that he hasn't thought of that sooner.

"You're a genius Rosé!" He exclaimed kissing me on the cheek lightly.

Heading back to the waiting room we found Anjelica asleep and Valentine was holding her.

"Sorry guys, we're going to have to head home... You guys okay to head off?"

"I'm going to stay and organise the body and stuff" Brandon said looking away from Valentine as he left.

Following Brandon to the hospital room where his father remained we found one of the nurses.

"Hello, I'm Mr Santoro's middle son and I need to handle the body and such"

"Oh it's nice to meet you Mr Santoro, I'm so sorry for your loss, as of now your fathers body is being held in the morgue until the family decides what to do"

"Okay thank you, well I'm pretty sure we want him cremated and buried at our family lot, I'll organise the details and inform the hospital, thank you" as we walked away I was looking at Brandon dumbfounded.

That was surprisingly easier than I had thought, I honestly didn't know what happened once a person died, I thought they just threw them out unless the family asked for them... Even then I just imagined a dead person in the family freezer.

We left the hospital and sat in Brandon's car as he began to drive towards the penthouse. An awkward silence building between us.

Entering the pent house I was reminded by our separate rooms. Apparently so did Brandon as he left me standing in the kitchen alone.

I walked towards his bedroom gingerly as I contemplated between my room or his room, uncertain what to do I knocked on Brandon's room door.

A confused Brandon answered the door and looked down at me tears evidently in his eyes. An awkward laugh erupting from my mouth.

"So uh... Do I stay with you or?" I looked at him confused as a smile appeared on his lips.

As if he couldn't contain himself anymore his lips collided with mine hungrily, searching and needing for something.

My body reacted hungrily to his actions, I pushed up against him needing to be with him, wanting to be with him.

He pulled me closer to his chest and pulled me into the room, pushing me up against the hard wall I could feel every single inch of him, his hard chest and abdomen. I felt the need from his hard shaft digging into me, his masculine arms grabbing at me and pulling me close to him.

All I knew as his hungry lips and hands searched my body was that I needed him, I knew I would not be able to survive without this man.

I needed Brandon Santoro, now and forever.

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