Chapter 13 : Lux

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Cross POV

We wake up with Dream hearing a voice we know well.

Palette : Morning Cross, Dad... What is that ?

I frow and look at what he is pointing... To see Dream has a little purple fireball on him.

Cross : Good question...

Dream looks at the thing, stares at it, then us, then the thing.

Dream : Well, Palette, the creators heard you when you said you wanted a sibling...

Palette and I look at one another, then back at Dream.

Palette, Cross : What ?

Dream : Cross, do you have an idea of name for a girl ?

Cross : Huh, Lux ? How do you know that's a girl ?

Dream : Energy being stuff you wouldn't understand...

He texts the others for help and advice... Then we got a call from Blue saying everyone will go to Dusttale to discuss it calmly.

We agree and Dream gives a handful of rules to Palette while I hold on Lux.

Palette sighs but agree, then Dream helps Palette opening a portal.

Ink opens the door.

Ink : Ah, Dream and Cross are coming !

Dust : Good.

Lust : How did you know ?

Ink : Well, simple.

Palette : Father !!

Ink is tackled by Palette. Dream and I smile, but stop once we see Error. He looks at Ink coldly and throws daggers to Palette. Nightmare has à weird look too. Maybe he feels Palette is his nephew... I look at Dream to see if he saw.

Ink : Heya, Palette. Mind going with PJ and uncle Fresh ?

Palette : Nope. I will be going. Dad and Cross are getting here.

Dream enters the room, with me still holding Lux.

Fresh : Alright, Juniors. We are going.

The children nod and leave with Fresh.

Lust : So, I know we are here to discuss the little angle in Cross' hands, but, why does Ink has two children and Blue has one as well ?

Oh, that's won't go well. Surprised he didn't say anything about the fact Palette called Dream "Dad".

Error : Yeah. I didn't hear a word about the fact you cheated on me with Dream.

Error, you clearly saw he was too old. Gosh, I didn't think he was this possessive.

Killer : Are you sure it is a good idea to let Fresh take care of them ?

Ink : Yes. Believe it or not, but he is a good babysitter. And for the kids. Except for the one we all reunited for, they are all my child.

Killer : Wait, what ?

Lust : Oh ? You are quite horny, Ink.

Ink : Not like that. PJ is the oldest. He was born because of a collision between my magic and Error one.

Dream : Wait, what ? You never told us Error was involved.

Well, now he said it, it was obvious.

Ink : Because at that time, it was better that only Fresh and me knew about that.

Dust : Wait, how did Fresh know ?

Ink : Because he saw the fight and saw PJ forming. He took him, the time Error and I stopped fighting, then gave me PJ, and explained what happened. Palette is born in a similar way. Dream and I were training but it seems my magic and Dream's arrow made Palette. The differences were : Fresh wasn't there, and since it was training, we didn't fight long, so we saw it happen.

Dream : Because Ink was already raising PJ, I took care of Palette the most.

He still lived at Ink's place longer but meh.

Lust : And for Blueprint ?

Ink : Blue spilled my magical paint on one of my drawings. Because of PJ and Palette, I started questioning what it would give to fuse ability of the different Sans. So I start with me, and choose Blue, since it didn't happen with him, and to have his opinion... It was a mistake.

Blue : Sorry...

Killer : Alright, I see... And for this one ?

Dream : The only thing I can think of who could have caused this child to appear, is Cross poking at my soul.

I stare at him. I agree, but still...

Killer : Whoah... your soul is weird, if that so. Nightmare did ways more than just poke mine, but it didn't create a child out of it.

Lust : Oh ? What did he do ?~

Killer : Grab it and make it target like. It hurts like hell.

Error : So in all logicness, it is something that only would occur with Nightmare and Dream souls.

Ink : It seems.

Dust : To begin with, is it a boy or a girl ? Does it even have a gender ?

Dream : It is a girl. She is mainly an energy ball, but she will need to create herself a body, like Nightmare and I needed to do.

Nightmare : Yes, or she will die.

Cross : Wait... So Dream and you looked like that, when you were baby ?

I want pictures !!

Nightmare : ...

Dream : Technically, I think she looks more like Nightmare than me on this point. I was a golden energy ball, while he was purp...

She started to cry.

Killer : What is wrong ?

Ink : I don't know... Did she eat anything yet ?

Cross : No.

Nightmare : Wait, Dream are you serious ? I know WE as energy beings don't need to eat. But since she is also Cross' daughter, she needs food, because she needs more energy.

Lust : I will go and see if she loves something in the kitchen, Dust. Hope you don't mind.

Dust : If she stops crying from it, I won't complain.

After many attempts.

Killer : Alright, we tried everything in Dust's kitchen, and nothing worked. What do we do, now ?

Ink : I can create other things to try.

Fresh : Are you all alright, my unradical friends ?

Dream : Fresh, why aren't you with the child ?

Fresh : Jammy Jam read them a story.

Ink : Thanks Fresh ! I will start with jam.

Fresh : Bruuuh... Okay...

Error : Go away. Go back to the child and leave us alone.

Dream : Oh stars ! She likes jam.

We all turn to see Lux eating jam.

Nightmare : And how do you plan to name her ?

Dream : I was thinking of Lux.

Nightmare : Hm.

Cross : I don't see a problem. But... how are we going to give her a body ?

Nightmare : Don't care, not my problem. I don't even know why you want me here. So do as you want. Also... You guys should be careful about not betraying me too much, if you don't want me to be mad at you.

He teleports away with Killer after scaring everyone. Ink suggested creating the body and we agreed.

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