Chapter 1 : First meet

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Dream POV~

Hello, creators ! I am Dream, but I guess you already know that... Anyway It is nice to meet (?) you all.

Right now, I am taking care of my baby son, Palette and his half-brother, PJ. The children are so close, it is sweet. Ah, Ink is back from checking on the AUs.

Ink : Oh, hi, Dream. Sorry to ask you to take care of them...

Dream : Don't worry. And Palette is our son, that's normal I help you. But you seem worried, lately, Ink.

PJ : Mommy !!

Ink : Hello, PJ ! ... Would you take Palette in his room, please dear ? I need to talk with uncle Dream.

PJ obeys and goes upstairs with Palette. Ink sits down and sighs.

Ink : What would you do, if you were torn between a promise you can't take back, and a friendship you made after but matters to you...

Dream : ... Do you mean, like that promise is a problem for your friendship ?

Ink : ... Yes. Because if I do as I promise, I will make my new friend suffers more... But, if I don't do as planned... I will not only betray my word and my job... But make everything he goes through worthless and useless...

Dream : ... I am not sure of what to think... What are you planning?

Ink : ... You will know soon enough, I guess... I should prepare... that could have huge consequences...

He sighs and takes out his phone. I don't understand, he made a truce with Error, so why is he so worried ? Is a creator planning something ? I mean, he can't disobey them, since he is supposed to serve them but...

Maybe I think too much. But, who is that friend he is worried about?


I met that friend Ink was talking about. His name is Cross. I rarely met someone who had so many dreams and happy memories... Why did Ink betray him ? I know Sanses value promises but still...

Anyway, right now, Cross is badly injured. He betrayed Nightmare to save me. I healed him all I could. ... I am going to cook him something. Nightmare can't come in Haventale anyway.

I ask Haven!Sans if I can borrow his kitchen. He said yes. So we are cooking pancakes for Cross.

Once finished, I go back to Cross' side. He seems to be waking up.

Cross : W-where...?

Dream : We are in a safe place, Cross. Do you need help ?

He looks at me and after some time nods. I help him sit and give him his food.

Cross : Who are you ?

Dream : Oh, I am Dream, protector of positive feelings and... Well, dreams. Nightmare is my twin older brother.

Cross : ... Cross. Ex-royal guard I guess. But you already know, I suppose...

I nod.

Dream : How are the pancakes ?

Cross : Good. Thanks for saving me, Dream...

Dream : You saved me too. Nightmare is way stronger than I am, I know it... And with Killer by his side...

Cross : ... You called yourself the protector of positive feelings, right ?

I nod.

Cross :. What do you do ?

Dream : Oh. Well, I try my best to protect people's happiness and dreams. All while staying alive, because if I died... Positive feelings would disappear.

I look away.

Cross : ... Wait. And you have no one at your side to help or protect you ?

Dream : Well, since Nightmare try to take away people's ability to feel happiness, I fight him to protect them... And so, since he endangered the multiverse, Ink helps me...

Cross : ... With how much of a great friend he is, I am worried.

I would love to defend Ink, but Cross has his own right to be bitter, right now...

Cross : I was expecting you to defend him...

Dream : Well, from what I saw, he wasn't the bestest friend with you... So, I have nothing...

Cross :... What do you plan to do ?

Dream : Well, now that you are awake, I was thinking of leaving.

Cross : What ? Why ?

Dream : Because Nightmare is after me. I can't endanger an innocent AU.

Cross : And me ?

Dream : Haventale is a safe AU. There is only pacifist run here. We are lucky Error didn't destroy it...

Haven : That's because we are in Template' sphere. Ink gave our AU to him, so he will have a place where nobody will run at him, trying to kill him because he looks like Error.

Dream : Oh. Well, I will have to thank Template for his work.

Cross : Who is Template ?

Dream : Oh. A version of Error with Ink's job. He is a good kid.

Cross : I see. Oh, and Dream.

Dream : Yes ?

Cross : ... Can I...


Sorry for the cliffhanger, Everyone. See ya !

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