Chapter 2 : My knight

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Cross POV~

Cross : ... Can I... Go with you ?

Dream : Huh ? But you are injured, Cross.

Cross : I know, but... I don't want you to stay alone. Ink has "more interesting" things to do right now... And you said yourself Nightmare and Killer are too much for you alone.

Dream : But... Wouldn't you rather live a peaceful life than one full of fight ?

Cross : ... Dream. I am a royal guard. I live to protect people. Especially people as important as you. If anything happened to you, it would affect the whole multiverse, right ? So, let me protect you while you protect the multiverse.

Dream : B-but...

Haven : I think you should talk about it once you recover Cross. But I agree with ya.

Haven leaves the room after it. Dream stays quiet and still seems against it. Guess I will have to convince him while we are here.

Dream POV~

What do I do ? Cross wants to come with me to protect the multiverse's happiness... But I can't endanger him like it... But I am happy to hear someone thinking of leaving with me to protect me... That's rarer than you think.

Dream : ... I... I need to think about what you said, Cross. But Haven is right. We will talk once you recover.

I get up and let him get some rest.

After some days he is good as new. Gosh, does he heal fast.

Cross : Dream. About what we said before.

I get startled. I am still against him risking his life for me.

Dream : Yeah ?

Cross : ... You still don't want to, huh ?

I lower my head and nod.

Dream : I am grateful but... It is too dangerous. I was already reluctant to involve Blue... Ink didn't let me a choice since his job made him Nightmare's ennemi while my brother continued harming AUs.

Cross : ... Dream. I don't belong anywhere. I did wrong to others for selfish reasons. But you extended your hand for me. I want to protect the one person who still believed in me when nobody did. And you reminded me who I was and who I wanted to be. Please, let me help you.

He looks at me filled with determination. I bite my lip and sigh.

Dream : I guess... If you really want to. ... Thanks for this, Cross.

I smile at him. I shall better wait for everything to settle down before telling him about Palette. Since I won't be able to hide my son from him.

And I am sure Palette will be happy knowing him.

I am still wondering where those two are. Fresh doesn't seem to take care of PJ and Palette right now, since he was in X-tale... Please tell me they weren't in one of the AUs Error destroyed...

Cross : Dream ? Are you alright ?

Dream : H-huh ? Ah, yes sorry. I am worried about someone dear to me. I don't know where he could be...

Cross : I see. I hope they are alright. We can try to find them.

Dream : No. We have a multiverse to save. Then we will look for them.

Cross : Alright.

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