Not noticing me yet, she reached up and pulled the ponytail out of her hair, letting the thick waves fall from the bun she'd had up on her head all day. It must've given her relief because she sighed in content, running her long fingers through the strands, tousling them. I ducked to the side when she passed me, hiding by the vending machine so she wouldn't see me. If she saw me, that'd mean I couldn't stare at her like this as shamelessly.

Delilah passed by without noticing my presence and I watched her go, hypnotized by the way her dark hair swished, brushing her ass. It looked soft, soft enough to grip in my fist, and I'd bet she was submissive enough that it'd be easy to wrangle her little body and pull her head back without much effort.

Realizing where my thoughts had subconsciously wandered, I shook my head and forced myself to snap out of it, though I could already feel the affects that my thoughts had had on my body. I fanned myself with my shirt, quickly walking into the gym before someone came out of one of the locker rooms and saw me hiding by the vending machines, fanning myself and with my face flushed with desire. God, I did not need that happening.

I took a seat in my assigned spot, waiting impatiently until more people came piling into the gym. Tate came in with Delilah, who was smiling up at her friend as he said something to her. Her smile was beyond pretty, but I found myself annoyed that she still hadn't seemed to notice my presence. Sometimes I wasn't sure what the hell I even wanted from her, because I knew we were miles different from one another and I sometimes felt like no friendship could work between us. On the other hand, there were times when I felt odd if she didn't speak to me or acknowledge me--times just like now.

The two of them took their seats, Delilah sitting directly in front of me whilst Tate sat a few seats back in a different row. She didn't bother to look at me, her hair brushing the floor when she leaned back onto her palms and tilted her head back towards the ceiling.

Stuck in my little hissy fit due to the fact that she wasn't paying me any attention, I reached forward and gently tugged on a strand of her hair, feeling how soft it was between my fingertips. She was evidently caught off guard, squealing softly as she swiveled her head around to look at me, brown eyes wide with surprise.

When she realized it was just me, she huffed softly, a rosy pink color in her cheeks. "Hey!" She said grumpily, pouting at me. I smiled in amusement, finding it cute the way her brows would furrow in frustration at me if I did something she didn't like. "What?" I asked innocently, grinning at her. She let out a grumble under her breath, turning around to face me as everyone waited for our coach to arrive. "You pulled my hair and it hurt." She frowned, placing her palms on her thick thighs. A chuckle left me as I shrugged my shoulders, eyeing her pretty face. "You didn't even say hi when you sat down." I told her simply, as if that was reason enough. For me, it was.

"Oh." She suddenly looked a little taken aback, biting her plump bottom lip as she fiddled with her fingers and looked down. "I didn't really think that mattered. I-I mean, I guess I thought you might not want me to or something..." She explained, glancing up at me through her long, dark lashes.

I hated it when she looked at me like this, all innocent eyed and pink cheeked. It filled my head with filthy thoughts of her down on her knees, those pretty lips around my c--

"We said we'd try to be friends." I blurted, trying not to focus on the sins running through my mind. "Friends usually greet each other, don't they?" I added casually, causing her to smile. She ran a hand through her long hair and shuffled closer to me, looking all giddy as she grinned excitedly. "R-Right, sorry." She laughed softly and the sound was like music to my ears. "Hi." She said, the greeting making my lips twitch in amusement.

"We're already talking, bubbles. You don't have to greet me now." I chuckled, amused at how cute she was. She flushed in embarrassment and began to play with a strand of her hair. "Well, anyway, are you coming with us this weekend? We're going shopping for halloween costumes on Saturday." She said.

Although I tried not to show it, I felt my lips threaten to break out into a grin. I'd been hoping that she'd ask me when I heard her and Tate talking about it during lunch, but I didn't want to just bring it up and invite myself along. The only one I was friends with, aside from Delilah, was Tate. "I could probably free up some time." I said casually, shrugging as if I didn't really give a shit.

Delilah frowned slightly. "You don't have to come if you don't want to, or if y--" She began to speak, and I quickly realized that she had gotten the wrong idea. Truthfully, I didn't have a single fucking thing to do this weekend.

"No, I want to go." I blurted, not wanting her to get the words out. She blinked in surprise at the sudden finality in my voice, but then she smiled. "Oh, cool." She giggled lightly and I felt myself sigh softly in relief. "I'll have to text you or something when we plan it more." She said, making me smile at her. "That sounds nice." I murmured. It wasn't often that Delilah texted me or called me. For some reason, the idea of it was one that excited me. It was strange that I was excited about her saying she would text me, especially when it was just to tell me information about when we'd all be hanging out.

I'd prefer it if it was just Delilah and I, honestly. It had become clear to me that Tate liked to hang around her and tease her, and that two of them were very close. I knew there'd probably not be many chances for me to talk with her alone.

It annoyed me how much that realization bothered me.

Wicked Temptation / l.h ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz