Ch.2 Vampire Realm

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Modern time 2018.

Wake up... Wake up... Wake UP... the voices grew louder and echoed with each other until Elise woke up gasping for air. Coming to her sense she quickly jumped to a crouching position examining everything she saw. In the middle of a forest, all she saw was trees; how the hell did she end up there and why was she naked.

"Hello sleeping beauty. Sorry to disturb your slumber but we have business to attend." A thick voice called out making her jump back. "I mean no harm." He said slowly putting his hands up, looking towards the side while handing Elise a blanket.

Elise looked at it for a couple of seconds before grabbing the blanket wrapping herself up.
Very confused, Elise continued to look around at the scenery before her.

"Where am I?" Elise spoke aloud. The last thing she remember was seeing all black and hearing people whisper all throughout her, she was also a whisperer from time to time. (She was in the void a place where the ancestors walk.)

"Currently in the forest of wonder. It's a place my family conjured for training." The man replied.

"Why am I here?" Elise asked still taking in the scenery around her. So much light.

"I need your help Miss Elise." He begged dropping to his knees while his face was to the ground; his voice very loud and strong. "I am Victor Fuentes, I am a fellow witch and I was guided by my ancestors and guides to bring you back to stop the vampires. You're the only one." He didn't dare raise his head. After a few moments of silence. "Please say something." he begged.

"Vampires?" Elise muttered. This caused a flash back to erupt in her like lighting. Everything from that day appeared vividly causing her to go into shock. Elise tensed up, heavy breathing, as a single tear slipped down her face. 'My family is gone' she thought to herself. Why the hell was she here.

"You brought me back for this? My family was slaughtered, and I was burned by these creatures." She fumed getting louder with her words. "Why would you think I would be capable of saving your family? I couldn't even save mine." She screamed finally breaking down letting more tears slip from her eyes.

"The vampires took over the city. Witches are almost extinct! They are also your family don't forget! This can be a time you can save all of us." Victor begged as his face was still in the dirt.

Elise was one to care for everyone. Even though she was hated for being a Grey, she still loved her community and wanted to give back. Sadly those days were long over. Elise died. The life she once had was over.

"I died. I no longer care for living." Elise sighed. "I didn't ask for you to bring me back." Elise seethed now feeling enraged from the great pressure that was now on her back.

"I'll do anything you want. Please I beg of you." He cried out.

"How'd you bring me back?" Elise asked; curious.

"Red mud, sea weed and the full moon. My guides told me where I could find some of your bones. I wrapped your bones in sea weed , rubbed some red mud, and prayed over the moon for you until you came." Victors stated looking up smiling. However that fell short after he noticed Elise stern looking; Quickly he dropped his head back to the ground.

"So if I get my family's, you'll be able to bring them back?" Elise asked. Maybe they can make a wager she thought.

"Yes ma'am" victor replied.

"Find my family's bones, bring them back to me and we might have a deal." She replied. "Also what year is it." Elise asked.

"It's 2018." Victory replied as he got off his knees coming to his feet, dusting himself off.

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