Chapter 3.

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Minutes passed after Jin introduced me to his friends, everyone started to bombard me with questions. Many were a tad or bit TOO personal. Especially questions about if I'm 'single' or 'dating life'.

Honestly his friends are very good-looking so I take back the 'UGLY friends' rant from earlier, but my claim about them being as weird as my brother is definitely still on the line. No wonder they're all friends.

"So Y/N" Hoseok said with a bright smile. I look at him with a slight tilt of my head indicating 'what's up?'

"How old are you?" He asks while his eyes glisten like stars under the bright chandelier lights.

"I'm 20 years old" I reply with a small smile of respect. And he replies back with a satisfied nod.

"Guess you're the same age as our Jungkookie" Jimin adds making Jungkook and I frown. ' I guess?' I internally thought while looking at Jungkook who's frowning at Jimin's words.

"Hyung! Stop calling me that name!" Jungkook said while gritting his teeth. Jimin smirks slightly knowing the effects of calling his nickname in-front of others that's not the boys themselves.

"Oh come on maknae! Y/N is family so she should also hear your cute nicknames" Jimin replies proudly with no shame. Jungkook's cheeks slowly spread pink as his smirk from before fades away.

"Wow international playboy is blushing" Yoongi mumbles with his husky voice. He hasn't closed his eyes since he joined in the conversation. A new record broken according to the boys.

"I am not blushing! Quit playing around" Jungkook mumbles while looking away. Yoongi and Jimin simply smirks at the reaction, completely satisfied.

"Y/N you're so pretty but you said you're single?! Stop lying~" Taehyung flirts shamelessly in-front of everyone, especially ignoring Jin's presence.

"Tae's right! Y/N you are such a beauty so how come you don't have a boyfriend?" Hoseok adds. He's definitely very talkative and open.

"Uh....I" before I can continue, Jin shouts loudly making Taehyung and Hoseok flinch.

"Yah stop interrogating and flirting with my sister you thirsty hoes!" Jin shouted making everyone shut their traps. 'Wow he's really looking out for me for once. Maybe he's slowly changing—'

"She's as ugly as a thin stick, super tom-boyish with no sex appeal so why are you guys so interested in her?!" He adds making me fume steam out of my ears. 'He's dying tonight' I gave him a death glare while gritting my teeth.

"Jin what the literal hell!" I shouted while smacking him in the back of his neck. Giggles and chuckles erupt as Jin groans in pain. The others are clearly enjoying my bold and dominant actions towards the oldest member in the group.

"I like you already Y/N" I hear Yoongi mumble while giving me a thumbs up.

"You're such a savage" Hoseok said while chuckling.

"Definitely the opposite of Jin hyung" Namjoon adds agreeing to Hoseok.

"Yah Yah Yah stop making fun of me and lets get this night rolling" Jin mumbles with a frown wanting to escape his embarrassment. Everyone nods in agreement and resume the fun young night. That is, except one boy who kept looking at me secretly with a smirk on his face.


"Joon can you grab me some sugar?" Jin mumbles while stirring into the large stainless steel mixing bowl. Namjoon nods while proceeding to grab the "sugar".

"Thanks Joon" Jin replies back with a warm smile as he continues to add the ingredients together.

"Has anyone seen the salt? I need it for the omelettes" Hoseok asks while frantically looking for the condiment since he doesn't want the eggs to burn on the pan.

"The salt is.....oh no" Namjoon mumbles. Jin looks over to him with the 'what's wrong' face.

Jungkook strolls over to the three and grabs the "sugar" that Namjoon gave to Jin earlier. He examines the tiny glass shaker bottle and by his frown, we can all guess what happened.

"Kim Namjoon you did not...." Jin death glared at a frightened Namjoon. Oh he fucked up bad.

"Hyung did you just dump hella salt into our cake batter mix?" Taehyung asks with concern lacing his voice. Yoongi already walking away from the scene.

"Yeah because of YOU-KNOW-WHO MESSED UP AGAIN" Jin huffs and puffs in anger. Namjoon just apologizes and offered to mix everything again for Jin as they resume towards a new batter. Poor ingredients went to waste.

What am I doing? Oh I'm just chopping some veggies since I'm helping Hoseok with the omelettes. Everything was peaceful until Jungkook passes by me slowly brushing my shoulders with his.

"Why was he so close to me?" I mumbled while turning around to see lots of space behind me. The kitchen is very spacious so you can take a guess on how weird the situation was for me.

Then I turn to look at Jungkook only to see him smirking not at me, but at the pizza dough he's kneading. 'He's honestly the weirdest one out of the bunch' I thought internally before transferring my chopped veggies into a bowl and handing it to Hoseok.


After dinner we of course took turns cleaning the kitchen and dining room. Well, more like in teams.

And I was unluckily teamed up with the weirdest weirdo of the bunch, Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook and I are on dishwashing duty so currently we're standing side by side like a magnet and paper clip. Of course it was originally suppose to be Namjoon and I but.....he breaks anything he touches so, there's the gist.

Dishwashing was just pure silence which I loved since I didn't really want to talk or get-to-know Jungkook. That is until he decided to break the ice thus breaking my only peace I have since after arriving here.

"So..." Jungkook starts off. I turn to face him still rinsing the plate in my hands. "Are you enjoying the sleepover so far?" He adds while taking a peek at me as he dries a bowl.

I just nod, not really replying back to him. He furrowed his brows at my lack of response. So he tries again.

"I guess you don't talk much huh?" he said looking at me fully now. I sigh hearing this since I hear it all the time now. I just like to be an introvert incident in my past.

"Y/N am I—" Jungkook starts but I cut him off.

"Look Jungkook" I start off. "You're probably a great guy but I'm not interested in spe—" before I can continue Jin runs into the kitchen screaming and chasing Namjoon which caused me to flinch and step back suddenly.

Totally not noticing that there was a dishwash water puddle behind me, I slipped backwards bracing for impact but the pain never came.

My body fell onto something sturdy yet soft. But what shocked me even more was the weird sensation my lips were feeling.

Soft, squishy, plump and smooth like silk.

Opening my eyes, I was immediately greeted with another pair of big dark brown doe eyes staring back at me in shock.

It took me a second to figure out the position I, or we were in. Holy shit, my eyes open like flying saucers making my eyeballs probably popping out from their sockets sooner or later.


'I just kissed Jeon Jungkook on the lips.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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