Present Day

Me and my best friend bf/n sat on the bench outside of the movie theater as we waited for my boyfriend to meet us here. The day has gone great. Except for the fact that we missed out on concert tickets to see Beartooth.

"Literally I know we were the 10th caller, we called right as he was saying the number!" Bf/n shouted. I could only laugh at her.

"We'll just have to pay full price or not go at all and wait until next time."

I tried to reason with her. She scoffed and stretched her legs out from the bench in frustration.

"Says the girl who's been to a Beartooth concert three times." She rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"Come on, let's wait inside." The sun had begun to fry my legs that were exposed since I was wearing shorts.

We sat in the lobby and my eyes roamed to the tv screen that was plastered right in front of us on the wall. It played a scene of an FBI agent and his crew. But after a while, I had to look away. I could feel anger fueling inside of me again and I have tried to let it go for so long. Ever since August left two years ago, anything relating to his field of work just frustrated me and still does from time to time. I can still remember the morning after he left as if it were yesterday.

The Morning After August's Disappearance

I woke up to the bed being empty and cold. August hadn't been here for a while now. I got up from the bed and slid into my slippers that sat just beneath me and headed down the stairs.

"August?" I called into the living room. He was nowhere to be found in there or in the kitchen.

I looked outside and his car was still there. So maybe he went for a morning jog. Sometimes he does that when he can't sleep, so he gets up early and jogs. I went back upstairs to get changed and noticed his phone still on the nightstand. Shoot, now I can't call him. I decided to just wait until he gets home. His runs usually last for an hour and a half.

After two hours had gone by August still wasn't home. I tried not to overthink it but being who I am I began to worry. Even if he was an off the grid agent he could still get hurt. I decided to leave to look around for him.

Present Day

I searched the whole city for him in a span of three months, and I never found him. It drove me crazy not knowing where he was or how he was. I even filed a missing person report but it led to nothing. He had ben retired from doing missions since two months prior to that day so it's not like he was on one. So I had no choice but to leave that life behind me. Truly, there's no reason he would leave his things the way he did if he didn't plan on just up and leaving me. Maybe he was just done. How could he say all of that to me the night before and then just up and leave without a trace? I turned my attention back to bf/n as she was greeting Lucas who had just walked up.

"Hey babe." He said before kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey, you guys ready to see the movie?" They nodded and we went to buy our tickets.

"Hey I'm gonna run to the bathroom really quick." Lucas went off to the restrooms and it was just me and my friend left.

But after a while bf/n started to get impatient.

"Gosh y/n this is taking forever, can you buy the tickets? Im gonna grab a seat." I nodded as she handed me the money before heading back to the lobby area.

So I stood alone waiting my turn. A few moments later a couple more people had came into the line so I looked around to see how long it gotten behind me. After seeing how long it was I returned to my previous position.

Henry Cavill Imagines: 2nd EditionWhere stories live. Discover now