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^^Omg y'all look at Kairi and Ale... Omg Alari 🙈. Okay enjoy this chapter 🤠.

Stef's POV

I woke up the next morning and tried to get up but I fell to the floor instantly.

What the fuck now my legs don't work?!

Then Mattia rushed into the room, picked me up bridal style and sat me back in bed.

"What's wrong with-" I stopped talking when I saw my leg.

"Stay in bed.." he told me.

"What happen to my leg?!" I said confused.

"You got shot..." He told me.

"How did this happen!?" I said.

"Your dad shot don't remember?" He asked.

Then it came back to me..

"Oh yeah yeah." I said.

"How long for recovery?" I asked him.

"Were talking about a month or a few weeks" he said.

"But what if my dad-" he cut me off.

"DONT..worrt about your dad.I'll have my men on the look out while you and I lay low." He said.

AHH this is just fucking great now I'm gonna be in bed for a WHOLE fucken month... Great.. you just had to get shot Stefanie...

I sighed.

"You'll be fine.. I'll keep you company" he said smiling a little.

-----------( 3 weeks later )

Its been about 3 weeks and my leg is slowly healing.. I can walk agian but I'm still sore from sitting for so long so it kinda hurts to walk.

I and Mattia ended up going to the Actual hospital and they gave me crutches making things easier.

Anyways I was sitting at home and I got a random phone call.

I answered.

"I have some news princess.." I heard a voice say.

It was my Dad calling from my mom's number.

I stayed silent and let him talk.

"Your mother..uh.. passed away.." he said.

When he said those words my heart shattered to pieces.. my mom was like my best friend..

I hung up and felt tears come from my eyes. I don't know what it was but I kept crying.

Mattia's POV

I was reading something until I heard what sounded like crying coming from my room where Stef was.

I walked in and she was bawling her eyes out.

I sat next to her and opened my arms for a hug. She hugged me so tight. What was hurting her this bad

"She's dead" was all that came out of her mouth.

"Who's dead?" I asked.

"My mom" she said.

When she said that she hugged me tighter. Then I pulled back from the hung and told her:

"Look at me...stop crying your too beautiful to be crying" I said.

I wiped her tears as she stopped crying. She looked at me..all I could see what hurt in her eyes.

"Who told you this!?" I asked her.

"My dad.." when she said that I wanted to bash his skull agianst the wall.

I swear I'm gonna KILL HIM WHEN I SEE HIM..

I Pulled her in for a hug as she continued to cry.


Working on chapter 8 rn!!

Now yell at me in the comments and tell me to finish yeah? :)

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