Red Dragon.

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^Enjoy that hot picture of Kai...I got to lazy to find a Mattia picture :).

Stef's POV

We got into the casino with fake ID's. Once we got in I saw a girl with medium curly hair and black dress with a revealing back.

"Alessya?" I said.

A smile grew on her face.

"Oh my gosh" she said.

"You look so different!!"

"You could say.." I said.

I Introduced her to Ale and Mattia.

"We should split up"Ale suggested.

"Good idea.." I said.

I went with Mattia to play BlackJack.

"You know your doing?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I used to read books on this stuff." I said.

I played and won over 10,000 dollars in casino chips.

There wasn't much I could do with 10,000 so I gave it to random ppl.

Then I saw men and my father..

They were walking to a back room. Me, Mattia,Alessya and Alejandro followed.

We eavesdropped until..

A man came and said out loud:

"Boss look what I found!"

Great!! Now we're caught wtf now Stef!?

My dad saw us and said:

"Bring em in"

The guy grabbed us and put us all in hand cuffs then another female came..she was behind Alessya and Ale.

Then the guy grabbed my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me" I said.

We stood in the room as my father closed the door.

"Well... I didn't expect this from you Princess.." he said.

"I thought you were always daddy's little girl..." He continued.

He walked up to me and lifted my chin.

"But you have your mother's..UGLY ATTITUDE... And you just so happen to be in love with this freak." He said looking at Mattia.

Then he grabbed his 9mm pistol and screwed a silencer on it then pointed it at me.

"Now what should I shoot hm?" He said.

I gave him the death stare  and said:

"I'd like to see your try.."

"Fair enough" he said.

Then he shot me in the left leg. I dropped to the floor instantly once I did that Alessya flung her head back ( like a back wards head bud) making the woman behind her nose bleed.

Then she grabbed the key and un hand cuffed her, Me ,Mattia and Ale.

Then I saw mattia start beating my dad. I never been shot before so I went into shock causing me not to feel a thing or hear a thing.

I just heard loud ringing. Then I remember going to sleep.

Mattia's POV

She passed out on the floor. I thought she died but she was still breathing. I yelled at Ale to get her and get out of here!

"I'm not leaving you bro!" He said.

Fuckkk wtf do you Mattia...let's ditch this asshole... I gotta save her.

I pulled out my gun and shot two of the men that her dad was with then I told him:

"This ain't over!!"

I got in the car as Ale drove off.

"She still breathing?!" I said.

"Yeah but her breathing is getting slower.." he said.

"Then STEP ON IT!!" I yelled.

Once we got back to our house.

I took her out of the car bridal style. I grabbed the first aid kit and took her to our bathroom.

I lifted her dress up a little and grabbed the tweezers. Blood was everywhere. I pulled the bullet out as I heard her groan.

"I'm so sorry baby" I whispered.

Then I poured so alcohol on it as she screamed.

Once the bleeding stop I grabbed some gauze and wrapped her leg up. I cleaned her up and changed her clothes.

I brought her to the bed, kissed her forehead and she slept peacefully.

I opened the room door and Alessya and Alejandro got up.

"She's alive right!?" Alessya said.

I sighed with relief.

"Yes... Yes she's alive." I said.

Alessya and Alejandro also sighed in relif.

I threw my keys at Ale and he caught them.

"Take Alessya home.." I said.

Then she said:

"After tonight if my dad found out what happened he'd kick me out.. so I can't go back.." she said.

"You can crash at my place" Ale said.

" Take her with you and KEEP HER SAFE..she's family now... Thank you.." I told her.



I like it idk bout y'all but I like it


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