After going on a whirl thinking who could help, it hit me, "That trouble maker girl! That detention track girl, she was Luz's friend right? She knows about beast keeping and medicine! She could help!" I got up, making sure that Luz didn't get spooked by me going so, and started walking, not sure where the girl would be at, but it was time to find out, and it was close to time to go to class either way

I walked humming softly as I held up Luz to my chest, she didn't even try to squirm put of my grasp like most animals, she stayed there, tail wagging, she had her tongue out, while she looked around "even as a weird creature she's adorable-" I accidentally thought, I couldn't help it sadly, it was true, she was absolutely adorable

After a while, I sighed, I had walked all around town, without seeing the girl, I really needed her help though...I then had a small idea, I mean, it was worth trying, right? I have no idea where she is, but maybe...Luz does "Hey Luz?" I asked softly, the thing snapped her head towards me when she heard her name, tail wagging faster as she looked at me "Can you help me find that detention track friend of yours?" I asked, she barked and jumped out of my hands

She started running, she was much faster than I thought she would be, I helped and started running after her, this was an interesting story to someday tell everyone, I kept chasing after Luz, I knew where she was because of her excited barking, as well as people being startled from her, some trying to eat her and more, but she would somehow pass throw them without fail

My feet started aching, I finally saw her appear again, running towards me, I stopped for a bit trying to catch my breath, my breath coming out in short puffs and huffs, I stayed there until I felt something go around me, I knew it was Luz obviously, she barked, I looked over to her, she looked....worried?

"I'm...I'm ok L-Luz" I said softly as I smiled at her, her tail had gone limp when she gave me her questioning glance, her head tilted as she watched me, I softly pet her, making her bark softly, and nuzzle against my toy h, that made me blush slightly, I then decided to ask for that girl, but I realized that Luz had misunderstood me, and had found a tall, thin, socially awkward teen around my age, I looked over to him, and decided to talk to him, maybe he knew?

"Hello, excuse me" I said as I walked up to him, he turned around to look at him, "weird ..I'm sure I've seen him before..."

He looked over to me, before shyly smiling "umm..hey, need anything?" He asked as he looked over to me, I couldn't shake the feeling like I've seen him...

"Yeah, do you know the girl in because school that is in the detention track and learns about healing and beats keeping magic?" I asked as I tried to explain who she was

"Oh! Your talking about Viney! Yeah, I know her, she's my friend, do you need me to get her?" He asked as I sighed relived, I nodded as he smiled and took out his phone and made a call thought his scroll, Luz's tail wagging fast as she barked at me, I sat down on the floor, softly petting her a smile creeping on my face

After a while, he walked over to me "alright, she's in Hexside, at the field beside the beast keeping class, she'll be waiting to you beside the door" as he smiled, I then stood up, the smile still in my face as I then said "Thank you what's you name by the way?" As I looked over to him

He smiled and then responded with "my name is Jerbo, don't worry, I already know who you are" he said as he looked at me it finally clicked...this was who Edric couldn't stop talking about, I smiled and nodded "blackmail~!" Was the only thing I could think about, before feeling Luz trying to get my attention I smiled and picked her up "sorry, gotta go" I said as I turned to walk away

"No worries" he said as he smiled, walking away

(Third Person POV)

Amity and Luz started walking towards where Jerbo had told them to meet Viney, Amity started to get worried that Luz could get lost so she walked into a store and a bit of time later, came out holding a collar, it had the "Luxury" in the middle, she had decided that name since the didn't want everyone to know it was luz

She placed the collar on Luz, and they then walked until they finally got there, where Amity could see Viney, she realized Viney was already there with Emira and Edric, wasn't that interesting? She walked up to them, she then said "Hey Viney!" As she called out for the other girl

Viney turned around and smiled "oi, you must be who Jerbo told me about" Amity nodded and sighed, Luz ran up to Viney, barking and snuggling against her, her tail wagging fast

Amity's stomach started churning, her face heating up, Edric looked over to his sister's, seeing both of them looking rather....Jealous, he started smirking, trying to not laught at the scene

Viney was in awe and picked up Luz "luxury..." She muttered softly the name, she looked over at Amity "Amity what is this adorable creature?" As Luz licked her face, tail wagging faster than sonic

Amity pushed away the feelings of jealousy she was feeling before saying "that's.... Luz" everyone froze and gasped, Viney examining the poor animal, Edric calling Willow and Gus throught his phone, who appeared in an instant

Amity explained how they where looking for a cure for the Clawthorn sisters, and Luz had accidentally read something out loud, making he into what she was now, Gus couldn't believe his eyes "guys...that's a dog" he said as he picked Luz up, giggling what she licked him

"Ah what now?" They all asked, Gus then explained about dogs, cats and other pets humans have

"This is a chocolate labrador! She also looks a bit like a deerhound" he exclaimed as he looked at Luz, who's tail wouldn't stop wagging, he then added "wow...I didn't know they had such weird teeth" as he then added "it's weird how they can break bones with their mouths"

Edric gulped at that "b-break bones?" He repeated as he looked at the cute dog

"Mhm! They also can have rabies, if not treated, which can kill" he added as he petted Luz, who's tail was wagging

"We need to find a cure" said Willow as luz ears perked up, as she dashes throught the forest, little did they know, Luz had found prey

(sᴏʀʀʏ ɢᴜʏs! ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴅ ɪᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴘʀᴏʙᴀʙʟʏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2! ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ʏᴇᴛ ϙᴡϙ)

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