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"It's a date!"

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"It's a date!"

"Whatever, see ya in a few." Minho chuckles, hanging up the call.

Minho had called Jisung to see if he was down to go to the beach for a late night walk. He offered since he knew Yeonsuk was sleeping over at Felix and Changbin's for the weekend. Not only that, but Minho loves listening to Jisung's cute giggles after he'd compliment the younger. Jisung himself started to grow more affection for the older, not in a crush way, duh.


It's been a little over month since Minho has babysat Yeonsuk. Minho and Yeon are closer than ever, it's none stop fun with them. The most memorable moment they shared was baking a cake together. The top of it read, "Happy 1 month babysitting!", the writing was wonky but still readable. According to Jisung, it was the most unique cake he's seen.

Besides Minho and Yeonsuk's growing bond; Jisung and Minho have hung out here and there as well. The pair have talked more over text, but not much changes when they're in person. Minho is the overly confident, talkative, and easily flustered type. While Jisung tends to listen more, compliment more, and is easily amazed.

They've gone on dates, not real ones, but totally date worthy. Most of the time Jisung asked Minho out, but the few times Minho did they always ended up in bed together. Now, before your mind goes running off Minho and Jisung end up sharing a bed together because they stayed out too late.

Overall, the pair have grown a special bond beyond Minho just being an alumni or the babysitter. Best part of all is that Jisung doesn't zone out and think about Sooji anymore. He has someone else to think about like Minho- no, NO, it's his son he thinks about!

End of recap

Jisung was dressed in black shorts and a stripped long sleeve shirt. He wore his iconic purple fluffy socks and sandals. (A/N I had to, meet and greet Jisung was iconic😭)

Minho texted the younger he was outside the apartment, so he made sure he had everything he needed and then secured his place as he left. It didn't take much to notice the one car with lights on, it was 1 a.m, so it's to be expected. Jisung walked over and Minho let the younger into his humble vehicle.


"Totally." Jisung replies.

The car pulled out of the driveway, heading for the sandy beach that was only few minutes away.

"Why do you always call me at this time?"

"It's called midnight outings and I don't wanna get robbed so I asked you out, not to mention you're fun to be around." Minho reasons with the younger.

baby bottles ||Minsung||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora