The Journey

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The trip took nine days of tiresome hiking along long paths on huge icy mountains. Thor did not seem too tired, even after long hours of their uphill journey. Kitri and Loki were slightly more worn out, even with their increased improved powers and endurance.

Seems as if they focused the intent of their powers in different fields, which seemed like the smartest choice anyway. Thor focused on maintaining endurance to press forward, and Loki and Kitri focused on maintaining his illusion and brainstorming plans.

When they reached Tyr's home, Kitri stopped to sit down and catch her breath, looking over the massive wooden log structure in awe as she fought her way to be able to breathe normally. Loki placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "That is it, my friends. We are finally here. My family home."

Kitri shook her head in amazement as Loki showed a hint of a victorious smile to her.

"Thor" Kitri let out. "I am certain that you are aware that this will not be the most ideal of encounters...."

Thor nodded, eyeing the soft yellow light coming from the iced over windows of the lodge wearily. It looked ancient, the thick aged oakwood supporting the shapely pointed multilayered Norse viking looking roof that was covered under blankets of snow.

Loki then waved toward Thor to get his attention. "I hope I will be able to secure some peace between my family and your being here. It might be difficult since you are the famed giant killer after all, but they are my parents. Odin's rules of hospitality still apply."

Thor agreed, and Loki led them in, slowly opening the door and holding it open for Kitri to follow in. Thor took over holding it open once he got close enough.

The two female inhabitants inside could not have been more different from eachother.

The first was old, probably the grandmother. Seven heads split from her elderly thick neck into some monsterously deformed faces. Despite her horrifying appearance, she stayed silent and mostly still on one side of the room. Seated in a comfortable lounge chair, three of the heads turned toward them with curiosity as the rest kept their focus on the warm fires in the fireplace in front of her. This definitely added to the discomfort of the whole situation.

The second occupant was a woman of true beauty. She was older than Tyr, pale blue skin and waistlong ashen black hair, some of it was decorated with thin braids with small runed metal cuffs around them. She almost glowed with beauty and warmth. Once she faced the door to see who had entered, she dropped the pile of clothes and rags she had been holding to rush over to pull Tyr into her motherly embrace.

"After so many long winters, my son has returned!" The woman let out happily as she squeezed him and kissed his cheeks.

"Oh gods..." Kitri thought as she watched Loki awkwardly hug this woman back.

"Now we know where he gets his likability from." Loki thought with a sigh. "Where is father? I brought guests." He announced.

The woman finally pulled away to give Kitri a warm smile, but her face paled and her expression became conflicted when she laid her eyes on Thor. Her arms dropped by her sides as she released Loki, taking a step back.

"Hymir is out hunting, but he will be back at any moment. We prayed to the gods for your safe return, yet you have brought the giant killer with you. He will not be pleased..." She let out with concern.

Thor then stepped forward, giving her a short bow with his hand over his heart. "I am known as that, yes, yet I come here not to harm you. I have come as a well behaved guest."

She nodded in acceptance, but did not seem fully convinced. She still retired for a moment to fetch beer for Tyr and his guests.

The woman sighed, looking back to Loki. "Son, I will hide you and your courageous friends. All of you need to go behind our largest cauldron in the back and let me handle this introduction."

The three of them agreed and hid. Squatting behind the shining bronze cauldron was unnecessary, because its enormous size was even slightly taller than Thor. Even still, he nudged Loki lightly as they got behind it. "You were not jesting about the size of this cauldron, my friend! Aegir will be very pleased!" He whispered excitedly.

Loki opened his mouth to respond, but he was interrupted and silenced from Kitri hearing the door to the house open. She lightly tapped Loki's arm in quick succession so he would quiet down, and he instantly went silent.

The aged wood creaked under heavy steps, and it felt like the glaciers themselves shook around them.

Kitri couldn't help but quietly peek from their hiding spot to see the ice giant. He was mountainous and wide, maybe three feet over even Loki's seemingly towering height. Dark blue skin with deep ridges, and icicles clinked as they dangled from his thick black beard. Hymir shut the door behind him and unloaded his gear onto the wooden table nearby the door.

Tyr's mother stepped forward and addressed him as she helped take off his heavy coat, not wasting any time after his return.

"Hail Hymir!" She praised. "Come into your home and rejoice! Your son has come into your home after his prolonged absebse, just as we had hoped."

Hymir's whole body went visibly tense. He turned around to look at her directly in astonishment, and she continued. "He was followed by a famed enemy of ours. Thor, son of Odin, the giant slayer."

Kitri was sharing all of this information she was seeing from her hiding spot to Loki mentally, but even she winced away a bit when the giant turned around and violently put his fist through a part of the wooden foundation of the house, breaking clearly through in a shocking show of strength.

Either way, Odin's rules of hospitality are clear and set. A stranger could show upon your doorstep, you must feed and clothe them. Those are the rules of how to behave. It is what is right.


Odin's "bible" on how people should act, and that will always be followed with no exceptions.

"She betrayed us, gave us away..." Kitri whispered in surprise.

"I do not believe that was the motive. Misguided reason for honestly, but also a motherly softening of the unpleasant encounter. She wants to better his reaction towards Thor..." Loki reassured.

"Come. Out." Hymir growled. He sounded stern, but slightly defeated. Like he knew he had to do what was against his interests and was fighting with coming to terms with this knowledge.

"I intend on making this encounter with Thor as unpleasant as possible, without this ice giant having a good reason to attack any of us because of this." Loki admitted with noticible giddiness.

Kitri shook her head in disbelief but looked over to him. "You certainly like your chaos... but I will admit I am excited to see where this leads. Push his boundaries. Make Thor act at the limit of what is acceptable."

"I will do exactly that, my love. But along with that, I will need to give some thought to what my plans are for you for tonight... I have many, and I want you so badly. I just need to figure out what I want to do to you after I begin making a fool out of Thor and this ice giant."

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