The Mighty Ship

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When they woke up, Loki could feel it in his chest. The time has come.

Kitri could sense this as well, as if the Norns were calling out with their threads of fate pulling tight for Ragnarok to begin. Hel, they were half certain that all beings could feel it as Yggdrasil trembled around the nine realms.

They raced to the throne room, finding the two queens and Frigg already there as well. Their guess at that feeling was confirmed as Hel spoke. "You must also feel the shaking of Yggdrasil? I would not say we have a perfect plan figured out, yet it seems we must act now."

"Yes! Let us do what fate demands of us." Loki responded excitedly. "The infernal can move themselves, yes?"

Sindr nodded with a wide smile. "I'll go gather my kind." She announced as she departed by consuming herself down so small to the size of a tiny star and then shifting realms to prepare her army.

"The undead must join us in Jötunheimr." Loki let out to Hel as he grasped Kitri's hand. "I have a plan on how we will get to Midgard, you must trust me on this."

"All of Jötunheimr must be roaring right now." Hel let out thoughtfully. "I see no issue with this task. I will gather those who are willing to get one more chance at being alive and fight. Those who perish will just return back here, so I suspect there will be quite an interest."

Frigg then spoke. "I will remain here and rule over the ones who wish to remain." Even after all his wrongdoings she still didn't have it in her heart to go against Odin or any of the other Asgardian gods.

"We will begin at once then!" Loki let out in exhilaration, and looked over to Kitri who returned his gaze with a single determined nod, her grip tightening on both his hand and her scepter.

He pulled her against himself into a tight hug as they transported themselves into Jötunheimr, their proximity making the transition pretty trivial.

There was a specific reason he requested to gather in the realm of the ice giants, and he had already provided an explanation to Kitri in thought while they rushed into the throne room.


A ship he had only heard tales of from other ice giants through their minds, yet their visit to Hymir proved those tales to not be just a rumor. A powerful ship that was constructed entirely of finger and toe nails of the dead, harboring enough magic from those sacrifices to be able to shift everyone on it into a different realm.

Not only did Hymir keep thinking about this ship every time Thor did something that put him on edge during their visit, but he had actually seen the ship himself which gave Loki its location. Also after his display in powerful magic with fishing and enchantments with that mug Thor broke, Loki had no doubt that this ship was as powerful as the ice giant had thought.

He imagined the strength was not dissimilar to that music box filled with teeth that Kitri had found in Hel and used in the elixir they had taken for fun. Chaotic and incredibly powerful.

The existence of this ship was confirmed as they arrived near the location. "By the gods!" Kitri exclaimed as they were practically bathed in the glow of its power as they stood a dozen or so meters away from it.

Hel had been right too, the air was filled with distant roars of the Jötun as they stormed toward this ship, Hymir more than likely leading them.

It was a gorgeously constructed viking style longship, the bow elongated into a shape of a large dragonlike head, mouth open wide and a thin wavey snake-like tongue coming out of it. One would not be able to guess what the ship was actually constructed of by sight, as the material just seemed like ordinary wood, yet holding so much power that even someone who did not have an eye for magic would be able to sense something. Its ashy dark gray color also seemed to be a bit more unnatural than usual wood.

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