There was a small silence between us for a moment, until he interrupted the silence. "You know, you can talk to me anytime you need to or if something happens. 'Kay?"

I hated how serious the conversation was, but this was a serious topic. "Yeah, I know."

"Who else knows?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

"Just you and Lu-chan," I said simply, looking away from his strong, caring gaze.

"We need to get this serious aura OUTTA HERE!!" He yelled the last part as he jumped up and stood up on his bed with his fist raised high in the air causing me to giggle.

"Your parents and little sister are probably sleeping!" I yelled at him while laughing despite what I had just said.

"My Parents are out on a business trip and they sent the little brat to a baby sitter!" He was taking advantage of the fact that he could yell and not get in trouble or be told to shut up.

"Don't call me a brat, Gajy!" I immitated his little sister while emphasizing 'Gajy'.

"Tch. Don't call me that! Ms. Queen Of All Bookworm Shrimps!!" He yelled as he ran down the stairs, into the living room. I laughed as I got up and followed his lead. When I got downstairs he was standing by the couch that still had Lily on it as he searched through the chanels on the TV.

"There's nothing good on the TV, Shrimp!" He whined as he looked over hhis shoulder at me with a pout on his face.

"Then don't watch TV," I simply said.

"BUUUUUT TV IS LIIFEEE!!!" He yelled as he threw the remote on the couch, after turning the TV off, causing the cat to scurry away from the spot it was resting on. The cat went up next to Gajeel's leg and started rubbing angainst him while meowing/purring. "Shut up, you furry little asshole!"

I walked over beside Gajeel and picked up the little ball of black fur and held it in front of my face where it was facing Gajeel. "That's mean, Gajy" I said in a different voice.

"Tch. whatever," He said as he started walking into the kitchen.

"That's what he would say if he could talk, and you know it!" I yelled to him as I followed him into the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You up for a midnight snack?" He asked, looking over his shoulder as he opened the cupboards.

"It's not midnight!" I pointed out, pointing to the clock on the wall. It read exactly 11:59 PM. Gajeel looked to me with an 'are-you-serious' face.

He looked back to the clock and waited for one whole minute just staring at the clock since it had just turned 11:59 a moment before I pointed it out.

Right when it turned to 12 AM he repeated his question. "You up for a midnight snack, now?"

"Yepp!" I smiled back to him as if I couldn't tell that I had annoyed him.

"Tch," He looked through all of the cabinets, drawers, fridge, basically anywhere food could be found. I swear on my non existant swag that I'm pretty sure that I heard him mutter something about his place never having food. Except there was food in the cabinets and fridge. But it was all healthy stuff. Bleh!

"I can find no food worthy of my taste buds!" He announced to me as he turned away from the fridge and towards me. "We must order the guys of Pizza Palace to bring us their nom noms!" He said, making a stride towards the phone and picking it up.

"Ummm, I think I should do that before you end up getting us 50 bajilion pizzas," I said as I snatched the phone from his hand right before he dialed the number.

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