Chapter 13

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Right when we walked inside the front door, his black cat, Pantherlily, ran past us and out into the night where street lights and the moon lit up the road and sidewalks. Gajeel immediately ran off towards the direction that the cat took off in and left me there on the front porch. Gajeel ran across the street and down three houses before turning into someone's yard. In less than a minute Gajeel came walking back with the cat in his arms. He walked past me and threw the black fur ball onto the couch.

"You furry little asshole," He grumbled as we headed up to his room.

We sat on opposites sides of the bed, staring at each other. After a few more minutes of silence and Gajeel being surprisingly patient, I finally started. I decided to say it sort of like I did with Lu-chan.

"You know how I have a problem with passing out all of the time?" I asked, already knowing the answer. he replied with a simple 'yeah' before I continued on. "Well every time I pass out I switch lives."

His expression went blank with a hint of astonishment as he stared at me, wide eyed and his mouth slightly opened. I let him take in the unusual news that I had been refusing to tell him, or anyone else except Lu-chan, up until this point. "What?" was all he simply said as he continued his stare.

"Every time I pass out, I switch between my two lives," I explained a tad bit more thoroughly.

"You have two lives?" He asked still having the same expression on his face. He didn't seem to be catching on quickly.

"Yes, I have two lives. Each one has their own good things, bad things, and similar things." His face seem to show that he was starting to understand slowly but was still shocked. "One life is my good one and the other is the one I consider my bad one."

"Which one are you in right now?" He asked curiously.

"Considering we are sitting in your bed at your house, my good one," I explained.

"What do you mean?" he tilted his head at me.

"In my other life, we aren't exactly............ on the best terms," I explained slowly as I looked down at the carpet. When I looked back up to him he was staring at me with curiosity and concern.

"Explain," He ushered me to go on.

"You and the other guys sorta......... tease me," I said almost quiet enough to be a whisper but he heard.

I heard him growl lowly to himself, "God damn," He said to himself. "I'm gonna kill that other me." He said, still talking to himself but still said it loud enough for me to hear to show that he cared. "Don't hesitate to yell and say shit at me and the others as your self defense in your other life. I don't want you to get into a physical fight, though, I don't want you getting hurt." He said, fully serious and concerned.

I giggled, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "Okay, okay, but I usually ignore you." I grinned, hoping we could get off of the topic of him in the other life because it was all making me remember the time at the movie theaters.

"What else is different from your other life compared to this one?" He asked an I'm sure he could see the relief in my expression.

"None of the others are together. Me and the other girls are all still friends. My family is much nicer in my other life. I think that's about it." I explained as I continued to search my brain for any other differences and similarities that mattered.

"That's not too much," he mumbled, trying to encourage me and make me happier but I could tell that he didn't even believe what he said.

"But they are major," I pointed out, even though I knew that we both already knew that.

Two Lives (GaLe fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora