Second Story- musical

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Sorry it's being awhile but I have picked a winner and a song I think will go well for this! The winner is delaney4real and I hope this is what you were expecting. Thank you for your contribution.

Emma was stood in the sheriff station, throwing darts at the dart board. The room was soon invaded by the sound of expensive branded shoes walking through the halls of the station. Emma sighed, her mind knowing who it is, as she rushed to her desk to look presentable. Emma picked up a pen and looked at the form on her desk, appearing as if she was reading it.

"Good morning, Deputy Swan" Regina said with a smile, walking over to the blondes desk.

Emma was a little confused by the words that were just said and how softly they were said. Usually Regina walked in with a snarky comment and a harsh snap to her voice. Emma looked up, frowned in confusion but shrugged it off.

"How can I help you, Madam Mayor" Emma asked, looking at the form she was still pretending to fill out.

"I was just wondering if you had the paperwork for me, it was due 9am and I still haven't received it" Regina questioned as she sat down on the blondes desk, being rather close to the woman.

"I'm still finishing it" Emma replied, gesturing to the work she was looking at.

"Doesn't look like you've started it" Regina said with a chuckle, seeing the empty form in front of the blonde. Emma just glanced up before rolling her eyes and looking back at it, writing the name of the guy. "Take your time, you can get it to me whenever you finish it"

"Umm thanks" Emma said with a confused look, unsure why the mayor was being nice.

"Your welcome, sheriff" Regina said with a soft tone, a soft tone the blonde had never heard.

"You know Graham isn't working until tonight, right" Emma questioned, unsure of the woman's stationary presents.

"I know, that's one of the reasons I'm here. I know Killian is on the late tonight so how about you come to mine for dinner. After all, our boyfriends are best friends and we hate each other" Regina suggested with a smile, leaning against the desk with one arm.

"So you finally want to have dinner with me? All those years of asking and the moment I date someone you want to" Emma teased, knowing the mayor was too much of an easy topic.

"Very funny, Miss Swan, but you can't say that, I never rejected you" Regina said with a laugh at the blonde, confused at her point.

"You did, I asked you and you kept rescheduling and then started dating Graham. That's rejecting someone, Madam Mayor" Emma replied, chuckling as she exaggerated the brunettes name.

"I rescheduled because I'm mayor and I have a busy life. You never asked again so I decided to give Graham a chance" Regina said as she giggled, placing her hand upon the blondes shoulder. She sat upon Emma's desk and crossed her leg, slowly brushing her hair out her face. Emma swallowed hard, not liking the feeling she got from watching Regina. "So, dinner"

"Sure, why not. I can't seem to think of something better to do" Emma said with a sigh, slouching down in her seat more.

"Well I tried to think of something better but I don't like anything you do" Regina said, rolling her eyes at how long it took for her to think of something.

"What time" Emma mumbled as she looked at the forms, still acting as if she was going to do them.

Regina leaned across and cupped the blondes jaw, holding it softly and gently. Emma looked half confused, half shocked at the feeling on her face. Regina slowly moved the blondes head towards her, causing them to be face to face.

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