"No keep going, it makes me really happy that you are enjoying yourself in a situation where it doesn't involve our friends." Kiyoko said, "The guys and I really like the new you."

"Well what's the difference between me right now and me back then." Y/N asked.

"The you right now seems a lot happier and less lonely, that's for one." Kiyoko replied with a smile, "plus you did seem a bit lonely back then, we all got worried and wanted you to find someone at some point, but now we know that you didn't need any help."

"Thanks for caring about me Kiyoko san, but you should worry about yourself too." Y/N said.

"You're welcome, but it's mostly the guys worrying for you." Kiyoko said, "I don't need worrying you know."

"Yeah you do, you might be single as well." Y/N said, "You are really pretty so you should go get some guys."

"Well most of them are attracted to my looks instead of my personality, and I don't like that."  Kiyoko replied.

"Well what about Tanaka san, he really likes you." Y/N said back.

"Yeah but I'll see, he's too rowdy at the moment." Kiyoko said slightly blushing.

"Is that a blush I see?" Y/N questioned with a small smile, "So you do have a crush."

"Hey it's not like that, I guess I'm sort of attracted to his personality, but nothing else." Kiyoko defended.

"Yeah it's just for now," Y/N said, "oh how the tables have turned."

"Okay let's finish up packing and then we could maybe talk about this more in the bus." Kiyoko whispered as she entered the room.

"You got it Kiyoko san." Y/N agreed.

The girls finished packing up and were heading out to drop their things off.  Since the buses would come 30 minutes later, they decided to help their teams pack up.

"We're here to help guys!" Y/N exclaimed as Kiyoko and Yachi entered into the room as well as her.

"Hey Y/N chan, Yachi chan, hey Kiyoko san!" the team said.

"You're looking really nice today Goddess Kiyoko san." Tanaka complimented.

"Thanks." Kiyoko said trying to make a straight face.

"Wow how cute." Y/N joked as she nudged Kiyoko.

"Can you guys help us fold the futons and blankets, that would be great." Daichi requested.

"Thanks for helping out guys." Sugawara added.

"It's no problem, it's our job as managers and friends anyways." Y/N replied as she folded a blanket.

"How was the training camp for you guys?" Kiyoko asked while folding a futon.

"I was fun but tiring." Asahi said.

"Yeah and some secrets got spilled for the better," Nishinoya added, "and Asahi san got better on his serves."

"Wait what secrets got spilled."  Kiyoko asked.

"Asahi san and I are gay for each other, plus we were already dating." Nishinoya said casually.

"Wait Noya san what if she freaks out." Asahi panicked.

Instead, Kiyoko let out a small nice laugh.  Everyone, meaning Nishinoya, Asahi, Y/N, Sugawara, and Daichi, had a really surprised face on.  

"Noya san, I think you broke her." Sugawara said.

"Oh Kiyoko san is laughing!" Tanaka exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not freaked out." Kiyoko said with slight giggles in between, as calming herself down, "I'm really glad that you told me and I support you both, and I will never judge you guys for being yourselves."

"Yay well that's great, now Noya san and Asahi san could be themselves around us." Y/N said happily.

After Karasuno has packed up and cleaned up, they headed out to place their things out where the buses would soon arrive.  Some of the other schools like Ubugawa and Fukurodani.  The buses finally arrived and the teams loaded their things into their designated buses.   Every player boarded the train, while the coaches and managers said bye to each other and finished up the packing.

"Hey Chibi chan," Kuroo said as he jogged up to Y/N.

"Wait aren't you supposed to be in the buses right now," Y/N asked, "you need to get back before your school leaves."

"Yeah but I wanted to see you one last time before we actually leave each other." Kuroo answered.

"Alright well make it quick before they actually leave." Y/N said as she closed the luggage door.  

Kuroo spun her around and gave her a quick peck on her forehead before saying, "I really like you too Chibi chan." 

Y/N stood there stunned and waving at Kuroo as she saw Kuroo jog away and waving a good bye back.  She saw Kuroo board the bus as she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey Y/N chan, let's get going now." Kiyoko said.

"Alright then," Y/N said.  

She couldn't help but feel a a bit sad seeing Kuroo leave, but knowing that they'll meet again next week made her a happier.  On the way home, Kiyoko and Y/N were talking about Tanaka and Kiyoko.  Sometimes Kiyoko would try and bring up things about Y/N and Kuroo, but that didn't happen because Y/N knows when Kiyoko wants to avoid a qustion.  Everyone else on the bus was either sleeping, chatting, listening to music, or watching the road go by.  After five hours or so, everyone had arrive at school and went home.  Y/N made sure to text Kuroo when she arrived at her house and over course he replied back right away.


This chapter was a lot shorter than the last, but still a thank you for sticking with this.  The next three chapters will be OVAs so it's your choice it read it or not.  The second and third OVA could be important, but I'm not that very sure.  Anyways thank you for your time and happy reading.

- The Author

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