Chpt 6 - The Cave Of Two Lovers

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"You guys are gonna be done soon right?" Asked Sokka who was currently lounging half naked on a leaf, "we've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make it to Omashu today."

"What, like you're ready to go right now, naked guy." Katara laughed, turning around from the waterbending training session.

"I could be ready in two minutes. Seriously. Whenever."

Y/n bent a wave underneath Sokka to flip him off his leaf, "Sure. Two minutes." They all laughed as Sokka grumbled something about stupid water magic. He angrily dumped the water out of the leaf and lay back down.

"So," Aang started, "You two were showing me the octopus form."

"Right," Katara said, turning back to their training session, "Show us you stance"

Aang got into a waterbending stance, with wide legs and arms, "Katara can you adjust his arms?" Y/n asked.

Katara nodded and began to fix his position, "Your arms are too far apart," She stood behind him and moved Aang's arms into the correct place, "See if you move them closer together you protect your center, got it?" Y/n saw Aang blush, causing her to giggle, but she stopped when Aang sent her a glare that said 'don't you dare.'

"Oh.. yeah" Aang responded, Y/n was now surprising a fit of giggles.

"Ok," Y/n said, finally stifling her laughter, "Let's see what you got." Katara and Y/n stood on two opposite sides of Aang, both shooting jets of water and ice at the boy while he drew up the octopus form to block them.

"You make a fine octopus pupil Aang!" Katara smiled

They stopped when in the distance, music could be heard coming closer. It sounded like a humming man playing some sort of guitar or stringed instrument, "Don't fall in love with a traveling girl," the group heard as the music came closer, "She'll leave you broke and broken hearted." A group of five people walked out of the woods landing in front of the river Y/n was currently in.

They were all dressed strangely with vibrant colors, one man in white and pink, another in blue, green and yellow with a red guitar, a girl in brown, red and pink who was playing the flute, another girl with a blue hat and a navy and tangerine dress, and a final man sporting all purple.

"Oh hey!" Called the man in blue and yellow, "River people!"

"We're not river people." Responded Katara

"What kind of people are you then?" Guitar man asked

"Just.. people." Y/n answered the strange man

"Aren't we all sister!"

"Who are you!" Sokka shouted, stomping towards the strange group and pointing his finger firmly at them.

"I'm Chong," Guitar man replied, "This is my wife Lily," Flute girl curtsied, "We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us." The man began to strum his guitar while howling. These people were strange... Y/n liked them.

"You guys are nomads!" Aang perked up, "That's great! I'm a nomad!"

"Oh hey me too!" Replied Chong

"I know.. You just said that."

"Oh.." Chong scratched his head, "Heeyy nice underwear!" He turned to Sokka, who quickly went red in the face and covered himself with Momo before scooting away to get dressed.

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