chapter 7: tragedy pt.2

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                                        hi @Iiiiiiiijjj "helped" with this chapter so go show him some love now time to write

     *lazuli's pov*

    I woke up to the sound of leafy face planting into the cave floor. I stood up and immediately helped her up I said "a-are you oka-" she cut me off and says "I'm fine, just tripped over a rock" I look down at her leg and she is bleeding a little but its not that bad I was about to ask whether she wanted me to make a bandage but she knew what I was gonna say and she said "no I'm fine it's not that bad" I still want to bandage her leg but she said no so I don't. I make us something to eat with all of the berries I picked last night when we are finished eating leafy says "so are we going to go out looking for speed?" I nod because whenever I hear speeds name my throat tightens making it impossible to speak. when we are ready we start walking down the path. I still have a lump in my throat and my eyes are watering a little bit but I try to hide it, I can tell leafy saw it because she patted my back a bit as we walked on. we walked and walked all day until it was dark, we came up to a cave and walked in and we immediately fell asleep crumbling against each other...

*speeds pov*

     The carpet was still fuzzy but I am still not happy to see it. I look up again and see the same pokemon just staring at me and I don't know why they won't just leave me. "Just find Jirachi," I thought to myself, but they didn't stop. I couldn't feel my legs, the pain was so bad it felt as if my legs were being held down by knives. I could not walk I could barely move without feeling so much pain that I wish I could get the sweet release of death. I haven't been fed in weeks and I was covered in huge gashes all over my body. I can't sleep because the pain keeps me awake at night. I feel guilty that I didn't get to say goodbye to anybody... I miss lazuli... I have been planning an escape for weeks, but I need to wait... I feel my eyelids get heavier as I start to drift into a long-needed sleep... I dream of lazuli and everyone else back home...                                             I wake up and I'm chained to a chair once again. I yell at the scientists around me in anger, they don't respond but I know that they heard me, yet, yelling at them makes me feel a little bit better. I let my anger get the best of me and I start cussing them out, I don't stop and I keep yelling at them until a Lucario gets in my face and yells "SHUT THE FUCK UP!". I feel a wave of anger well up in me that I have never felt before. everything becomes a blur as I activate my turbo mode and snap the chains with ease, I launch myself at the Lucario and snap his neck. I look around at the other scientists and see they are cowering in fear, I decided that I don't have enough time to kill them all so I turn around and run at the door. I run through the maze of hallways and doors. I keep running faster and faster as I feel my heart pumping with something other than adrenaline. hope. I get attacked by a scyther inside of a room labeled as the main lobby. the scyther tackles me to the ground and puts its scythe- arms against my neck. I kick upward launching the scyther off me, I stand up and charge an electro ball, as he falls downward  I launch the ball at him but he opens his wings and dodges it just barely. he dive bombs me and slashes at me, he gets a good cut and puts a gash across my entire frontside, the pain is unbearable but I ignore it as I shoot off a thunder as a direct hit but the scyther doesn't go down. he goes for another dive-bomb and he kicks my ankle, hard. I feel my ankle crack as I know he broke it, I wonder how he broke it so easily. I dodge his next dive and grab onto his legs and as he flies around trying to shake me off. I climb op slowly and until his head is finally in reach I grab it and twist with all my might. I feel it snap as he stops moving and we fall to the ground. I land on my broken leg and cry out in agony. I stand up shakily and run out the door... I keep running until I reach a cave and crumble in upon myself. the last thing I see is a glaceon and leafeon waking up to the sound of me collapsing...

*lazuli's pov*

  I wake up to the sound of somebody falling to the ground, I think it was leafy again at first but I see a jolteon and for a second I don't realize who it is but then it hits me "s-speed?", he doesn't answer so I guess he is out cold. I turn him over so he is laying on his back and I gasp as I see he is covered in scars and gashes and I see he is barely breathing so I know he is bleeding out so I turn to leafy and wake her up because I need her help... 

*one hour later* 

me and leafy had carried speed out of the cave and ran out of the cave running down the path as fast as we could. we had kept running until we came up to a town with a sign that said 'welcome to terra-town' I knew that there was only one place we could go... we ran through the town looking for a certain house, I had started crying because I could hear speed struggling to breathe. I finally found the house I ran up to the house and knocked I waited for a second and then the door creaked open... 

I will never forget the look rin gave me when she saw speed like that. speed was laying on the couch covered in bandages, I was sitting right next to him. I was the only one awake because it was the middle of the night. I was thinking about back home when my thoughts were interrupted by- "l-lazuli~" it was the first-word speed spoke after we found him, or he found us. I smiled hearing my name. I sat there for another twenty minutes as I started thinking about home again, I was interrupted once more by speed tugging at my arm, pulling me against him. he wrapped his arms around me and locked muzzles with me. I fell asleep at the touch of our lips...  

sorry about the short chapter and the wait I didn't have much time to do this chapter because of school so it was rushed, the wait was due to me wanting to spend time with my friends and family, and school. but Imma try and make longer chapters next time but for now, have a good day and don't die

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