Chapter 9: Finally, back home

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Howdy yall.. I just beat covid so I thought I should celebrate my victory by writing a new chapter.. don't expect a new chapter anytime soon after this.. lol

*Lazuli's Pov*

It's been a few weeks since we found speed.. he's been regaining his strength and we finally think he can make it back home. his PTSD hasn't gotten any better though. 

those were the thoughts going through my head as I walked out the door, half carrying speed.  Leafy followed as we started to walk down the street, Speed was leaning against me for support, still covered in scars as it seems his healing factor isn't working.

We walk for hours and hours. we walk until it's dark. speed had to stop multiple times to catch his breath and rest. leafy was humming almost the entire time. When the top of the treehouse came to view I heard Speed say "finally.. we're home.." I nod and feel him stop leaning on me. I watch him limp towards the house, I walk next to him, ready to catch him in case he falls. he walks through the door and I follow, and then so does leaf. I look around and see Crystal is the only one awake. she looks up at us and freezes for a whole minute. I watch her leap at speed and wrap him in a tight hug "s-speed.. you're alive!" I watch as the tears stream down her face and decide to let them enjoy the moment. I hear footsteps from above and know that Crystal's yell awoke everyone else. I see a flash of brown and watch as Sunshine tackle hugs Crystal and speed while yelling "Daddy!!". I hear speed say "hey Sunshine" I decide to join the hug as everyone else walks into the room and joins the hug as well. everyone starts talking at once and I don't understand a single word, but I don't care. everyone is happy, and that's all that matters..

Short chapter, I know, I'm just burnt out, I'm starting to think I should rewrite this book.. I dunno. when I get the time I probably will, but, have a good day yall and wear a god damn mask

please, don't be an idiot, you can harm/ kill others if you don't wear a mask

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