Chapter ten: adjustment

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*Lazulis point of view*

Its been weird for him to adjust, I dont know what I was expecting... hes just so different, i dont know if I like it, he doesnt sleep t night anymore, he doesnt talk alot, sunshine is one of the only people that get a smile from him, his scars scare me. he wears his scarf like a babies safety blanket... I definitely dont like it.. I spend most of my time reading books now, we still talk, but its rare. he sleeps in the days. I cry alot. emotions are running high, its stressful.

I hear a faint knocking at my door so I go to check it and see sunshine trying to push her way through. 

"mommy!" she tackle hugs me and smiles at me, its cute. I shush her and point to a sleeping speed, also cute.  she nods and pulled at my scarf and smiles more. I return her smile and unwrap my scarf and place it on her, she giggles loudly and starts to run around the room with it. the end of the scarf trailing behind her as it was a bit too big for her. her glowing smile practically lighting up the room.  I smile more and grab her as she comes close to me and bring her out of the room so speed can sleep.

¨do you want to eat lunch or something?¨ I ask her as she runs around the hallway, bumping into walls with her tail wagging like crazy. she stops and seems to think for a second then nods at me. I walk with her to the kitchen to make us something to eat 

¨what do you want to eat?¨ she stops to think for the second time,  she takes a good minute this time before saying 
¨Crepes!¨ I nod and go to grab some berries and the equipment for crepes, she helps a little with gathering everything. she was giggling quietly to herself the entire time as we made them.. whats that about? I make several fruitless attempts to teach her how to tie a scarf as the food was being prepared. when we finally finish ten minutes later she giggles more and grabs a crepe and takes a big bite, I do the same.. big mistake,the reason she had been giggling was because she had slipped a tamato berry into mine. it was super spicy and made me shudder a little. she giggles more and takes another big bite of hers. tears form in my eyes from the spiciness as I grab a cup of milk to make it better. her giggles growing louder as she finishes her crepe, mine was pretty much destroyed. there was no point of trying to salvage it. I throw it out and see her slip into my room, I follow her and watch her from the doorway curl up to speed and fall asleep with him. maybe I could get used to this..


*the end for realsies* 

I thought I should end this book on a sweet and simple note, I might write an epilogue if you guys wish but for now. this book is officially finished, thank you for supporting my writing endeavors, deuces.


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