Day 7 | Carrying

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That old lady was surprisingly tough, much tougher than Gai would like to admit (it would be embarrassing to say that he got his ass kicked by an old lady, even if that old lady was a legendary assassin).

But, on the bright side, they got to see their old man in action. He couldn't help but imagine himself in a few years, being stronger than ever.

Only a minute or so into their walk Najasho's Shingu's affects wore off and his steps stuttered for a sec, Pops caught him by the arm before he fell over.

"I'm fine," he muttered, straightening himself up, but it was easy to tell just how tired he was, an unfortunate side affect of using his Shingu's ability. Gozuki gave him a look. "I can make the walk," was Najasho's reply,

"Does the tired little assassin need someone to carry them?" Gai teases, Najasho glared daggers into him.

"Are you offering?" That was Gozuki replying.

"I- what?" Now Gai was confused.

"You carry him, if you're adamant," Gozuki said, "That's an order."

Gai could hear Green try and stifle a laugh.

"No, I'm fine," Najasho stated.

"You're five steps from falling over," Gozuki rolled his eyes. "Gai, you're carrying him."

"Pops, why!?"

"Father, this isn't necessary."

"Now it's an order. No, Najasho, you're not fine." He answered to Najasho's statement before he even said it.

Gai rolled his eyes, "Fine, let's just get this over with." Before Najasho could even retort, Gai had grabbed him and practically flung him on his back, carrying him piggyback.

Out of reflex, Najasho grabbed him by the shoulders. "You better put me down, I can walk on my own."

"According to Pops, no," Gai replied simply. "Look, I don't like this any more than you do."

"If you drop me I'm taking half of your salary for the next year," Najasho said, not lacking a bit of his normal bite.

"Hey! You have no right!"

"Of course I do, so don't drop me."

The rest of the walk was filled with the two's bickering.

(More oocness because I'm really tired and I thought this would be funny.
It's stated that Najasho gets very fatigued after the affects of his Shingu wear off but we never see it, which sucks.
This is more crack than whump but I had this idea and wanted to write it out)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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