Day 6 | "Get It Out" and "Stop, please"

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Najasho had always hated the odd feeling he occasionally got in his eye. It always felt like it was moving, or something in it was moving, shifting ever so slightly, but it's never much, and it doesn't even phase him anymore.

Has this always happened? Did he once know how to live with it before his mind became a fuzzy and incoherent mess? Who knows, but if he learned to live with it once, he can do it again.

One night was a little different, vastly different, actually.

Najasho sat outside, slumped up against a tree several feet from the building they're staying in.

His eye itched and stung, something continued to wiggle inside of it like a worm and he hated every moment of it. He could do nothing to make it stop and he was moments away from taking his own eye out.

"Stop, please. Fuck, stop, make it stop," he hissed, holding his voice in from shouting. His palm was pressing against his closed eyelid hard enough for him to see white.

"Hey, kid, what're you doing out here?" It was Mashiro. She circled around the tree and kneeled in front of him. Noticing the sorry state he's in, she put a hand on his shoulder, "What's going on?"

"I don't know," Najasho hissed, "Just make it stop. Get it out, I want it out!"

"Kid, breathe," she squeezed his shoulder, "It'll pass, just wait it out."

Najasho has been, and he doesn't know how much longer he can stand it.

After what feels like a century, it finally slows down to a point where it's not uncomfortable. He gives a curt "Thanks" to Mashiro, and just hopes she'll forget about this in the morning.

(Me: Hey, I should probably write so I don't get too far behind. My shit brain: Haha, bad mental health episode go brrrr
Also, this is ooc as hell, and I don't actually know how his parasite works so I'm making stuff up.
So yeah, I'm behind as hell, so that's fun.
Also, once again, I'm probably gonna be torturing Najasho the most because he's one of my favorite characters in general.)

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