His Assistant

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(This is all set up. The next chapter is finally meeting hawks. If you want to skip to there go ahead)

The job search was beginning to feel hopeless. I started just leaving your resume on the job sites. My first job was crushed by a villain. The next closed by loan sharks, then the next one was robbed by a Villian and I was let go. More and more bullshit and now I was 20 jobs in feeling like the most unlucky person in the world. I sigh seeing a ping as I got another interview at some point after this one. I don't know when I stopped looking at the job descriptions and just started showing up to interviews but I still landed the jobs so I figured the effort wasn't worth it.

I look up at the large building before me before entering. I adjust the pencil skirt and smooth a crease on my button-up. My heels clicked and seemed to echo in the building as I approached the front desk. The woman there looked cheerfully at me adjusting her glasses.

"You're here for the interview. Let's get you to the room" She was quick on her feet.

I followed her to what felt like an interrogation room. The walls were all grey with a table facing a large mirror. On second thought. This was totally an interrogation room. What the hell kinda job am I being interviewed for?

The woman slid a clipboard in front of me with a paper and pen, "Please fill this out while you wait, the interviewer will be in shortly"

I was left in the room and sighed starting on the paper. The questions soon got a bit weird. Asking about my mental stability? I could understand asking if I had a criminal record but why to ask if I had any experience in hero work. This was a secretary job right? I finish and was about to look at the interview email when the interviewer came in. I quickly put my phone away as the man took the clipboard scanning the papers.

The interview was going a usual until he asked a surprising question.

"Are you willing to relocate?"

Although this can be a normal question for corporations it was his tone that was striking.

Next, he started asking me my opinion on heros. I didn't hate them but I didn't love them either. I never got too caught up in the media or marketing of them. I replied positively but honestly before he nodded and stood.

"Is your lucky day (y/n) you're hired, you start tomorrow. Be here at 8 am. It will be a month trial period with half pay then full pay after that time if we keep you on"

I shook his hand and left. I headed back home and read the damn email. It was very discrete though. Just said a secretary position. Holy cheese nips! Starting pay was 20 able to go up to 40??

The following day seemed to hit like a truck. I was tired and slept weird making my body ache. I walked to the building of my recent employment. I wore another pencil skirt and button-up it being the most professional thing I wore. I adjusted my hair clip making sure it was secure before I went inside. The receptionist smiled at me again before leading me to the elevator. She hit the button for the 9th floor.

"I'm glad you got the job. You are very kind and I look forward to working with you" she smiled.

I felt confusion. I'd met her once.

She seemed to notice and smiled wider, "my quirk is called stat list. I can see just about everything about you in one glance, name, blood type, temperament, and even your goals"

All I could respond with was a simple oh. I see why she worked front desk. I felt kinda like she could see right through me though.

"You don't need to worry, this job is pretty carefree. It can be stressful though. You're just a secretary for the most part. Files, scheduling, the works, and you should keep up morale and make sure the boss stays healthy. That's the hardest part. All you need to do is get him to like you after this first month"

"Oh. Who is the boss?" I ask quizzically

"Hawks of course. This is his agency" She looked surprised.

I feel a sudden panic. I thought this was a secretary position for a company, not a pro hero agency.

"No need to worry. You are more than qualified for this, your quirk is for healing no?"

My throat was dry but I responded anyway, "Yes but I don't use it often. It wouldn't work here at work"

"It's called healing kiss, Do you need to kiss the person to heal them?"

"Yeah. But it wears on me a lot. I can be indirect but it doesn't heal much. Not a very effective quirk so I never got a permit either" I felt myself get embarrassed at the thought of using it. I used it when I was young kissing my father on the cheek healing his cut bruised hands but never on anyone other than family.

"That may need to change. Here at the hero agency a quirk permit is useful"

I nodded as the doors to this long elevator ride finally opened. I was lead to a small office. One thing I had noticed is how many windows this place had. It was filled with natural light. One whole wall of the office was a glass window.

"No need to worry, the glass in this building is all shatterproof. It's safe to be around, we've had villains smack into it like birds before. I'll leave you to getting situated while I report your coming to Hawks"

I looked through the desk and noticed the right wall filled with cabinets. I looked through them noticing the alphabetical/numerical system. I close one of the drawers before the door opened as the winged hero stepped in.

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