1. through everything

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Daveed x fem!Reader
in which the reader loses a family member

Y/n got the call at ten-thirty in the morning on Monday. She was home on the couch, using vacation time to slow down a little. Daveed had told her more than once that he could stay home, that Rafa and the others would either understand, or just have to deal with him being home. He wanted to take care of her. But she told him to just go, do his thing, she'd be fine. That maybe she'd catch up on some time with her friends she'd been missing out on for too long.

   Everything was fine.

   So Daveed reluctantly left to go write, but not before giving her a hug and kiss. She relaxed on the couch with her mug of tea and turned on reruns of her favorite show on the tv.

   And everything was fine.

   Then her phone rang from the kitchen. She thought maybe it was Daveed checking in on her. Then she thought she'd ask him to grab takeout for dinner on his way home, but tell him no rush. When she picked the phone up off the counter, she saw her mom's name.

   And everything was still fine in that moment as she pressed the 'answer' icon.

   "Hey, mom." She answered, putting her empty mug in the sink.

   "Y/n." Was all her mother said, with sadness filling her voice.

   "What's up?" Y/n asked, feeling dread in the pit of her stomach, but hoping for the best, because as far as she knew in that moment, everything was still fine.

   "It's Grandma . . . " The woman started, her boice catching only two words in, "she passed."

   Words were lost on Y/n. She closed her eyes and sighed. Her grandmother's illness had been a slow, steady burn for years. For a long while, the family was able to prentend that everything was fine. It felt like it really was, anyway. They would joke, saying Grandma's as strong as a horse, cancer ought to be scared of her.


   "Yeah . . . I'm here, mom." She said, frozen in the kitchen. Silence buzzed the line, until Y/n finally heard her mom sigh.

   "The funeral is going to be on Sunday."

   . . .

When Daveed got home at almost nine that night, he had takeout bags in his arm, as if he'd read Y/n's mind just before that horrible phone call. He found the house completely silent and dark, save for one dim lamp in the living room. Y/n was asleep on the couch.

   "Hey, Y/nn," he said quietly, crouching down to be at her level. He smoothed back the loose hair that had fallen in her face. She slowly woke, opening her eyes and smiling at him. Her eyes, though, were bloodshot and puffy and sad. "Babe, what's wrong?"

   "My grandma . . . " she trailed off and sucked in a breath of air that she held, pursing her lips tight.

   "What happened?" He asked softly, playing with her hair still.

   "She's gone, D." Y/n told him, her voice broken and frail. He set the bags of food down and stood.

   She sat up so he could sit, and then let herself fall against him, burying her face in his side and clinging to his shirt with her fists and she felt tears begin to well up.

   "Baby, I'm so sorry," he wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her. She said something, he could feel the vibrations of her words against his ribs, but the sound got muffled by the material of his t-shirt. "What was that?" He asked gently. She lifted her head, looking at him. The sight broke his heart, especially knowing this wasn't something he could fix for her.

   "I didn't get to say goodbye, D."

   "Oh, honey, who says you still can't?"

   "It's not the same."

   "I know. I wish you could've talked to her one last time too," he told her, kissing her forehead. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "You'll get closure. I don't know when. Maybe it won't be soon. But it'll happen, I promise."

   "Will you go to the funeral with me? It's this weekend. I know it's a lot short notice, but - "

   "Don't worry about that, I'll be there. I'm here with you. For you. Through everything, I swear."

   "Love you, D." She told him, resting her arm around his stomach. Daveed squeezed her tighter.

   "I love you too, sweetheart. What can I do for you right now?"

   "Is that chinese food?" She asked hesitantly, making a chuckle rumble in his chest.

   "Yeah. You wanna eat it together in the bath tub?" He asked, knowing the warm water would work wonders for her tense body.

   "Yes please," she smiled a little brighter. That was all it took for him to get up and start the water.

   And in that moment, Y/n knew that while it might hurt for a while, there would be a time when everything would be fine.


hey, hey. i wanted to write this piece, so i decided to make a spot for one shot imagine thingies.
i wanted to write this because i was told earlier today that my uncle has been diagnosed with cancer. from what i know, it's early in, so there's a chance he'll recover well. he's young, so our hopes are he'll be able to bounce back a.s.a.p.
i've been struggling though because he's one of the only men in my family that i'm close with, and it's just scary in general.
so yeah, fuck 2020, and lemme know if there's anything you'd be interested in me writing.

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