A Child..

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"I'm glad we all made it for our two year anervirsty over the war ending and its nice to be on the Atlas again travelling around Space for a month .. really its nice to see you all again but" Lance started to say with a small smile as they all stood in the control room, most of them in their early twenties while some in their mid twenties.  

"Why are we in our garrison paladin unifrom, we guest on the Atlas yet Iverson gave us uniforms in sizes that would fit us ... I didn't not sign up to be dressed in unifrom again when I agreed to come this year too" Keith sighed as he crossed his arms, clearly not enjoying being in a bigger size of the red paladin colours garrison uniform.

"Yeah, I have to agree. The war over, the lions left us last year and we not paladins anymore. Why did we get to dress like we are, we all living different lives now" Hunk spoke up with a nervous smile as he was dressed in his yellow paladin garrison unifrom in a slightly bigger size as he grew more muscles over the years. 

"While your on the Atlas you have to be in unifrom outside your rooms. I'm sorry but its just the rules, even I can't change the garrison rules but we've been given permission to ware our normally clothes tomorrow night during the special meal" Shiro replied with a small smile as he looked to the others. He wore his black paladin garrison unifrom once more, slight bigger around the shoulders now. 

"Just be thankful you guys aren't stuck in this orange and white bullshit. The clothes look awful on me, why not give me a different colour too ... I helped save the universe as a rebel. My ass does not look fine in this" Matt grumbled back, glaring towards Iverson who took no care over the younger soldiers rant over the orange and white basic garrison unifrom. 

Pidge grabbing Keith hand as he went to lift it over disagreeing about Matt ass looking fine as ever even in the unifrom. Its not what Matt needed to hear right now while he went on a unifrom rant and Pidge knew that. 

"So, anyone knows why Coran couldn't make it this year. Its only our second anervirsty and he couldn't come" Pidge asked as she glanced to her second family letting Matt calm down by cuddling his boyfriend Keith. Pidge stood holding lance hand, both wearing the old paladin colours garrison unifrom. Both in bigger sizes since Pidge proudly grew taller over the years and Lance was growing a fitter body, growing into his lanky limbs. Of course, Pidge wedding ring now on the right finger after they got married just over a year ago, weeks after they returned to earth. 

"Oh, well when Allura brought back Altea and the Alteans. His wife and twin daughters were brought back too, this year his wife giving birth to their son remember and turns out the due date is today. He plans to arrive tomorrow by taking his shit and bringing his new-born son for us to meet" Hunk explained with a friendly smile as he pulled out his space phone showing Coran panic text.

"Coran and a new-born baby, I thought his twin daughters were allura age when they lost Altea" Keith replied with slight concern over a nearly fifty year old man and new-born baby.  

"Alteans take longer to die then us remember, he not as old as we think he is" Matt answered his boyfriend since he still remembered Coran long rant about his age. 

"Lets move on from this topic and" Shiro started to say with a small smile before someone popped up in the middle of the control room.

"You guys aren't my sister" A fourteen year old boy frowned as he glanced around. (P.S. the photo above is the boy in the story)

"Pidge" Pidge asked with fear she was right.

"Oh hey Auntie, I got that baby sister. She nine and is currently running around with a bomb, have you met her yet" Pidge smiled brightly as he turned to Pidge.

"A bomb" Lance asked with worry. 

"Yeah, I made it" Pidge grinned proudly.

"Hey sis, who the kid becuase I know he not mine" Matt spoke up as he raised his free hand.

"Meet other me and Lance son, Pidge who seems to be in our universe and we have no lions to use to take him back" Pidge answered with worry as the others mouths fell open.

"So, he my other me son .. ok, I can total handle this" Lance mumbled trying his best not to freak out.

"Oh, you must be my uncle. Nice to finally meet you, now I really must find my sister before the bomb explodes" Pidge smiled sweetly before vanishing again without warning.

"Would your son look like him" Keith asked as he glanced to Pidge who shrugged.

"So, any other surprises we need to know about before the one of us pops into the other world without warning" Hunk asked with a weak smile and Pidge raised her hand.

"I'm pregnant" Pidge announced as Lance froze in shock beside her.

"Baby .. in you .. mine .. me a dad ... son or daughter ours" Lance muttered in surprise as he turned to his wife who smiled warmly at him.

"Surprise, we having a baby girl" Pidge whispered with a warm smile, taking Lance free hand and placing it over her stomach making him show and feel the baby bump, pulling her unifrom top down straight and making the bump be seen clearly since she made the top seem baggy to help hide her stomach from the others.

"Is it ok if I kiss you before passing out stunned over being a dad" Lance asked still in shock as he looked to his wife.

"Pass out by Shiro, he'll be able to catch you before you hit your head on the floor" Pidge smiled sweetly and Lance nodded before giving her a loving kiss and walking over to Shiro before fainting. 

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