chapter III Clements Point: Blessed are the peacemakers

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(Y/n's POV)

You walk to Micah who is sitting out side of Dutch's tent and you say.

Y/n: Micah.

Micah: Blessed are the peacemakers they shall be called.

Y/n: What in the hell are you talking about?

Micah: A truce with us and the O'driscolls.

Y/n: I don't believe that I rather see Colm hang then have a truce with him.

Dutch then comes over and hear you and Micah talking and say.

Dutch: What I'd this about with us with a truce with?

Y/n: The O'driscolls I rather see Colm hang than that.

Hosea: It's definitely a trap.

Y/n: I agree with Hoesa it is a trap like 110% a trap.

Micah: You'll be protecting us.

Y/n: Why can't Arthur do it?

Dutch: Cause he's out robbing a bank in Valentine.

Y/n: Fine only this once and if I get captured and beaten I blame Micah.

Micah: Calm yourself woman.

Y/n: Shut the hell up.

You three mount up on your horses and ride past Deberry Creek and you see four O'driscolls on top of the hill and you say.

Y/n: I do not like this.

Micah: Your not even going to be the one in danger, L/n.

Y/n: Still I do not like this.

You go up on a hill and take out your Carcano Rifle and you see Colm and three other O'driscolls approach Dutch and Micah and you then hear someone behind you and you turn around quick enough only get knocked out.

You wake up and see three O'driscolls in front of you and you hear them say.

O'driscoll 2: You ain't dead ain't you?

He then stomps on your hand and say.

O'driscoll 2: Not yet anyway!

Then they all beat you constantly and one punch you in the face knocking you out again.

You wake up again sometime later and you see the O'driscolls who knocked you out are talking and you thought.

Y/n's thoughts: I can try and escape now hopefully they won't see me.

You start to crawl away and get up and run but the a bullet goes through your leg and the three O'driscolls come over to you and say.

O'driscoll 1: Didi kill ya?

Y/n: No not yet.

O'driscoll 3: Not yet but I will.

A gunshot goes off in your left shoulder making you pass out yet again.

You wake upside down and Colm comes down and say.

Colm: Y/n L/n how you doing?

Y/n: Go to hell Colm!

Colm: That's where you'll be going if you don't shut up.

Y/n: If I was you I would take off as soon I had the money.

Colm: No doubt but you see it's different your going to be used as bait to lure in an angry Dutch and we're going to set the law on you all.

Y/n: Fuck you.

He then beats you with the grip of his revolver and when he leaves you swing on your shackles and grab the nail file.

You pick the lock and you take out the bullet that was still in you and you kill the O'driscoll that came down and you hop on your horse and ride back to camp.

But you passed out on the way and when you get back it's already dark again and Sean was on watch and call for everyone.

(Sadie's POV)

A few minutes earlier

You were sitting with Clementine trying to calm her down when Y/n didn't show back up with Dutch and Micah then you hear Sean say.

Sean: Everyone get over here, it's Y/n!

You and Clementine alone with Hosea Dutch and Miss Grimshaw you help Y/n to your guys tent and lay him down and Hosea say.

Hosea: Mrs Adler will you stay with him?

Sadie: Yeah I will Mr Matthews.

Hosea: Just call me Hosea.

You nod and you kneel down next to Y/n feeling his forehead which he does not have a fever and just wait for him to get better.

Sadie Adler x malereader: RDR 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now