chapter III Clements Point: The Fine Joys Of Tobacco

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(Y/n's POV)

Dutch told you to go over to the Braithwaite Manor and you did and a doorsman let you in and Catherine Braithwaite have you and Sean go burn the Grays tobacco fields and Sean says.

Sean: Can I drive?

Y/n: Sure.

You both get on the wagon full of moonshine and drive to Caliga Hall and when you both get near it Sean says.

Sean: If they know you you might want to hide in the back.

Y/n: Ok just keep us on track.

Sean: Oh I wouldn't go that far.

Sean drive in with a guard and you exit the wagon and knock out the guard and you drag the body inside and Sean makes fire bottles and you say.

Y/n: I'll handle the tobacco fields and you stay out of sight and go to the barn once they catch wind of us there will be no turning back.

Sean nods and you go to the first tobacco field and when a guard is in the way you say.

Y/n (whispers): C'mon asshole get out of my fucking way.

You go to the second and third tobacco field and you pour moonshine on the tobacco fields and yet again another guard gets in your way and you say.

Y/n (whispers): Jesus Christ one more fucking person gets in my fucking way I'm going to put a bullet in them.

You finish pouring moonshine on the tobacco fields and Sean says.

Sean: Light it up, Y/n!

You throw the fire bottle in the barn and it catches on fire and the Grays see you both and you say.

Y/n: Shoot them down Sean!

During the music

You and Sean shoot your way out of here but the Grays keep getting in your guys way and you say to Sean.

Y/n: Just don't get shot Sean!

Sean: Well it's hard to do when everyone's shooting at you!

Y/n: Fair point!

You cut the horses free and Sean gets the payroll and you both ride out of Caliga Hall and Sean says.

Sean: Hosea better get us paid real good for this.

Y/n: No kidding.

End of music

Sean: I'm heading back to camp you coming?

Y/n: Yeah let's go.

You both ride back to camp and unmounted the horses and you sit on your bed and you see Sadie come over and she says.

Sadie: Hey.

Y/n: Hey Sadie I just burned tobacco fields with Sean.

Sadie: Was it difficult?

Y/n: Partly with the Grays shooting at us but I don't think the know it was me and Sean. They think it was the Braithwaites who did it.

Sadie: Well ever want me to go robbing again I'm more then willing to help.

Y/n: And if I find the O'driscoll that killed your husband and the one that killed my parents I'll let you know.

Sadie: Thank you. I mean it Y/n.

You nod falling asleep on your bed.

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