Chapter 1 Colter: part I

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(Y/n's POV)

May 1899

It's a snow blizzard in the mountains of Ambarino you on your horse and your with Arthur Morgan a member of the van der Linde gang led by Dutch and you tell Arthur.

Y/n: Greet now we're stuck in the mountains because of Micah.

Arthur: Yeah seems like it.

Y/n: Me you and Hoesa kept telling Dutch that ferry job fell right.

Arthur: You were there what happened on that ferry job?

Y/n: One moment it seemed a regular day in Blackwater next thing you know it's raining fucking bullets and Dutch killed a girl in a bad way.

Arthur: That ain't like him though.

You both see an abandoned mining town and you say.

Y/n: I think this will be good for camp probably until the snow storm blows over.

Arthur: Good idea let's tell the other and get you sister warn.

Y/n: Hey I know she's 11 but I care for far to much since out mom and dad died by the hands O'driscolls in '92.

Arthur: How old were you and your sister when this happened?

Y/n: I was 20 my sister was 4.

Arthur: And your 27 now right?

Y/n: Yeah.

Arthur: Jesus the O'driscolls are bastards they made you and your sister orphans but you knew how to protect yourselves until you found us in the camp in Blackwater.

Y/n: Yeah I didn't expect this thought.

You both found the caravan and Dutch says.

Dutch: Y/n, Arthur any luck?

Arthur: We found a place so Davey can rest while he you know. It this way it's not far.

You and Arthur lead them to the abandoned mining town and Hosea checks inside and say.

Hosea: Bring him in here.

Bill and Arthur bring Davey in the cabin bit he's already dead and Dutch say for you and Arthur to find some food and you go to your sister and say.

Y/n: Stay here with Abigail, Clementine ok baby girl?

Clementine: Ok.

Y/n: Abigail keep an eye on her please?

Abigail: Always.

You go outside with Arthur and Dutch and You and Dutch mount your own horses and Arthur mounts up on Charles horse and you three ride away from camp and Arthur says.

Arthur: I can't believe we lost Davey too.

Dutch: He's the one no more.

Arthur: Hey Y/n You know what happened to Sean or Mac?

Y/n: Probably captured I'm not say dead until I see there dead body or someone says there dead.

Arthur: Smart man.

Dutch: You see though the storm? Hey who's there?

They come bear you guys and it's Micah.

Dutch: Micah.

Micah: Gentlemen.

Dutch: Find anything?

Micah: Sure there was a cabin down that's way blazing with light and noise sounded like a party.

Dutch: Let's go.

Micah: Follow me. How's Davey doing?

Y/n: He didn't make it nor did little Jenny.

Micah: That's to bad Davey was a real fighter both of the Calendar boys were or was.

Arthur: Ask him if he seen John.

Dutch: Have you seen John, Micah?

Micah: Haven't seen much of anything since this storm came in.

Dutch: He hasn't seen him

Arthur: Everything turns out  fine for that boy.

Y/n: So the people there you spoken to them already?

Micah:ike dutch said: look but don't talk to anyone.

You four reach the homestead and Dutch says.

Dutch: You three get out of sight it's more intimidating with one lonely man than four nasty degenerates Micah hide behind that wagon, Arthur hide behind that outhouse and Y/n hide behind the shed.

Y/n: Got it.

You three hide behind the hiding places while dutch talk to the people inside the house.

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