Hallie began to guffaw a lot louder than she expected. After she had finished, she set the book down beside her again.

"I'll make a proposition with you," she leaned forward, "let me finish this paragraph then I've only got the conclusion to write. Surely you can wait that long."

"Alright, alright. Fine, have a sweet while you're waiting?" George extended his arm so that Hallie could reach one.

"Sorry, I didn't really like soap flavoured sweets, George. Even in the shape of strawberry Bon Bon's."

"Alright, you've got me," he put the sweets away as Hallie laughed.

"I won't miss Potions homework next year," George laughed. "Thank Dumbledore I'm getting rid of potions next year."

"Would've been a bit better if we had a different teacher, mate," Fred admitted, chewing on some strawberry laces Hallie had bought for him. "I don't know why Snape always looks like he's got a niffler shoved up his-"

"Fred!" Hallie said, looking around.

"Calm down, Hallie. There's no first years about," Fred laughed.

Hallie rolled her eyes, "you annoy me."

"I know," Fred laughed.

"Are you done yet, Hals?" George asked.

Hallie never answered. Instead, she finished writing off the last few sentences in her booklet. Finally, she set the quill down.

"And finished. Right, let's go."

Hallie had never expected herself to enjoy late night shenanigans with the Weasley brothers in a million years. They made her laugh, which was what she needed. Somehow they brought out the best in her, even know they could be bloody idiots.

"Where is Peeves normally?" She asked as they walked through the portrait.

"Annoying Filch more than likely. We can look at this map here," Fred replied and lifted out a piece of parchment. It was slightly discoloured from the age of it. Hallie thought it would've been white when the author first made it. The title was written across the top in fine ink: The Marauders Map.

"Who on earth are Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs?" She asked with confusion, "the authors?"

"Yep! We've got a lot of respect for them, been helping us on our trouble making since 89," George nodded, smiling gleefully at the map. "We're going to use it to find Peeves."

"Of course you two would own a map like this," she laughed. "When did you get it?"

"In Filch's office, first year," Fred said nostalgically. "He hates us."

"Is it any wonder? The people who created this are trouble makers like you."

"Well, Hallie bear," George put an arm around her shoulder, "so are you."

George grabbed Hallie's chin and shook it playfully. Hallie pushed him off quickly.

"I told you I don't care for that nickname. Maybe you'd like one of your own, ginger Georgey," Hallie crossed her arms at him and raised an eyebrow, "or does that annoy the precious little ginger hairs on your head?"

EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now