Chapter One

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"Luka?" Marinette said softly. He looked up from his guitar. "Today's the day, I'm going to tell Adrien how I feel."

Luka smiled even if his heart throbbed in pain.

"I'm proud of you Marinette." He said.

"Maybe he'll reject me, maybe he'll never want to see me again, or we might just stay good friends for all of eternity. But I can't sit and watch him from a distance anymore." Marinette sighed. "If he says he doesn't feel the same, I'll give him up. I'll tell my heart to stop loving him like that."

Luka smiled sadly. He knew from the way Adrien looked at her that Adrien felt the same way. He saw the mutual pinning from both of them. Everyone else knew. The only clueless ones were the two of them.

"You can't simply stop loving someone Marinette." Luka replied with his fingers hovering over his guitar.

Marinette looked down. She smiled. "No, I can't... but I can focus on other things."

Without saying more, Luka began to play Marinette's Melody. He strummed the chords delicately, the chords that described Marinette so well.

Marinette, the clumsy, kind girl who was always doing something for others. The girl who had never been akumatized. The girl who was constantly giving of herself. The girl he had come to love over the past four years. The girl who his friend had come to love too. The only difference was Marinette's feelings on the matter.

Luka glanced over at Marinette while he played for her. She had her eyes closed and her head was tilted up. Luka was grateful that she had always listened to and supported his music. He wished though, that when she would listen to his Melody, she would hear all the love he had for her.

Luka sat on his bed. Feeling the boat rock back and forth beneath him. That day played in his mind over and over. If he had said something different, would things be different? He sighed.

Maybe if he had told her how he felt, he wouldn't have decided to take the scholarship to Juliard. But here he was, a week away from his flight to America and his heart ached for Marinette.

"No." He thought to himself. "If Marinette hadn't declared her love to Adrien, then I would've declined it."

Luka didn't like to pin things on others but it was true that Marinette had more power over his decisions than she knew.

He looked at his room scattered with boxes and suitcases. He had spent all night packing and willing the tears to go away. Now that it was morning, his head was much clearer. He was glad he didn't make any rash decisions the previous night because honest to God he did think about it.

"Luka?" Juleka said as she knocked on his door. "Can I come in?"

"Of course Jules." He replied.

Juleka came in a moment later pushing the door open with her foot. She held a tray in her hands. "Lemonade?" She questioned.

"Sure! Thanks Jules."

She set the tray down and sat next to him.

"All packed?"


"Said goodbye to everyone?"


"Did you tell Marinette how you feel?"

Luka looked down and sighed. "No, and I won't."

"Why?" Juleka asked somberly.

"She loves someone else Jules, I don't want to confuse her heart or lose our friendship."

Juleka put her hand on his shoulder. "First of all, you won't lose your friendship with her. Marinette is the kindest person, she will always keep your friendship because it's special to her."

Luka smiled. He sounded like Marinette now, always worried that the person she likes wouldn't want to be friends with her anymore.

"And second, her and Adrien aren't together."

"They will be."

Juleka shook her head. "How can you be sure?"

"I have a gut feeling."

She sighed. "Maybe, but I still think it's worth a try." Juleka poured him a glass of lemonade and set it besides him before she left.

Luka knew that he wouldn't tell Marinette. He had told her before how special she was to him but nothing had come of it. They had stayed good friends and gotten really close. Often times she would come over and they would talk for hours.

Luka knew she had tried to get over Adrien once before when him and Kagami seemed to have something going on. Marinette had really tried to keep her distance. He was proud of her and knew she was trying to do the right thing. Those were the days he felt like he had the biggest chance with her. Eventually though, nothing came of it when Kagami left for Japan. Marinette had been filled with hope again.

Luka took a sip of his Lemonade and took out his guitar. Nothing calmed him like playing a soft melody and today he found himself playing his own.

The chords were mingled with sadness and when he strummed, the heartbreak filled the air and rang in his ears. Luka set down the guitar. He had never known sadness like this, and maybe music that embodied that feeling wasn't the best thing to calm him.

"She likes Adrien." He said to himself. "She likes Adrien. She likes Adrien. She likes Adrien." He said again and again waiting until his heart accepted it.

"She likes Adrien."

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