Chapter Five

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Marinette waited. She got to the Eiffel Tower at 11 just make sure she was ready. Her nerves were a wreck and her hands wouldn't stop figeting. It's just Chat Noir. True, but it's had been years since she had seen him in superhero form. What if he doesn't want to come?

Marinette knew it had been especially painful for Chat to give up his Miraculous because he would have virtually no access to the Kwamis or the Miraculous Box unless she reached out to him... whereas she had the ability to check in whenever she wanted. That was how cruel fate worked. It was unfortunate and left Marinette with a salty view of the world at times.

"M- My lady..." A voice said from behind her. "You came early too?"

Marinette turned around so quickly she almost tripped on her own feet. Then their eyes met. Chat's green eyes stared at hers with every intensity imaginable. She almost wanted to run to him and kiss him like they were star crossed lovers in a tragic love story, but she held back. Well, she held back from kissing him.

Her feet hardly moved at all, and then all at once. She rushed into his arms and held him tight. He had grown quite a bit since she had seen him last, well, technically she had seen him as Adrien, but it still felt different to see him transformed. His strong arms held her tight until she just about burst into tears. I have to be strong.

"Ladybug, its so good to see you." Chat said as he pulled out of the hug. He brushed a stray piece of hair from her face and smiled.

"You too Chat, I really missed you."

They sat down on the edge of the Eiffel tower with their legs dangling carelessly off the edge. Marinette wanted to put a bit of distance between them but found herself sitting much closer to Chat than he must've expected. Still he didn't move away and so they sat for a while in silence, their arms nearly touching.

"Chat," Marinette started. "I have to be completely honest with you." She looked away, not dating to face him. "The reason I called you out tonight is because...." Marinette hesitated. She wanted to tell him of course but how he would respond is what she dreaded to hear.
"Chat, I know your identity." She had said it and the silence that followed made her heart drop. "I'm sorry, I only found out recently."

After a moment she felt Chat's hand hold her own. She looked at him and she couldn't help bursting into tears.

"M'lady, I have a confession of my own to make as well. I know your identity too."

Marinette looked up at him in surprise. "Huh? How?"

Chat stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and stood up as well but kept her eyes on the ground. Chat asked her to look at him but when she refused he took his hand and lifted up her chin. His peircing green eyes were filled with a warm look of admiration. "Marinette, how could I not know after your questions the other day."

Those words mixed with his kind look was enough to fill Marinette with happiness forever. He didn't hold anything against her. She let her hand rest on his arm.

"Adrien, I don't know what to do, I didn't mean to find out, and now I fear the world could be in great danger." Marinette's voice began cracking and speeding up as she continued. Chat interrupted her rant.

"Marinette, we have plenty of time to discuss what should be done, but first please let me do what I've wanted to do since the moment I saw you crying in the park three years ago."

One of his hands he gently lifted to her face, his other hand he slipped around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Stop me if I assumed your feelings wrong." He said looking over her face. Marinette shook her head. And with no word of refusal from her, he leaned in towards her and kissed her.

At first it was the lightest and most gentle kiss. Warmth spread through Marinette's body and she reciprocated the kiss with all the longing she had repressed for years. Her knees nearly buckled beneath her but Chat just held her tighter and deepend the kiss.

When they finally separated, Chat rested his forehead on hers. "Marinette, I love you."

"I love you." was all that Marinette could possibly respond. "I've loved you since the day you handed me your umbrella in the rain."

Adrien laughed and then sighed in contentment. "You still remember that?"

"Yeah, I do."

Authors note:

Okay it's been like six months since I updated it... I know, I'm sorry!! I just wanted to wrap it up so it no longer torments me while I sleep. Although I think I should change it from a lukanette to ladynoir bc somewhere along the way it changed on accident... But I guess that's just the way I roll :) Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this!! Thank you for making it this far :) Also I may end up adding a short epilogue.

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