Part Four

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"Maybe we should follow him one morning." Sirius suggested as him, James, and Peter sat up in the dorms early one morning.

The first couple weeks of terms had speed by. And now at an ungodly hour 3/4 of the maurders were awake watching the sunrise out of the window in their dorm. Sirius had awoken to the nose when he looked up he saw the ends of Remus' cloak as he fleed out the door. Sirius had then woken the others in the dorm for a planning session. 

"Maybe we should just let him be" James said "He seems alright. It's not like last time when he was coming back with bruises, and cuts, and we thought he could be in danger. And it is possible he is telling the truth and he just likes morning walks." 

"No way he always rubs the back of his neck when he saids that!" Sirius said waving his hand in the air like it was the most obivous thing in the world, but at the bemused look on Peter, and James' face he added "That's what he does when he lies!"

"I agree with James, he'll tell us if he wants to." Peter said.

"Big surprise" Sirius mutter agaitedly under his breath. Peter would do anything James suggested. He was nervous and awkward around everyone, but when its just the four of them he would proudly repeated whatever James said. 

Before Sirius could raise a counter argument the door swung open. Remus' face quickly went from a content smile to confusion very quickly as he saw the other three sitting and talking.

"It's before noon on a Saturday" Remus said "What are you three doing up?" 

"Sirius woke us up-" Peter started.

"Cause I was nervous about try-outs" Sirius finished for him. If his friends werent going to contribute he was gonna have to find a way to help Moony on his own. And Sirius' didn't want to give him a heads up, he would have to be delicate about this.

"You'll be fine Padfoot, you've gotten so much better over the summer" Remus said smiling at him and walking over to his own bed and grabbing a book.

"What do you know Moony, you hate flying, and barely know the rules to Quidditch." Sirius said the nerves actually began to set in. He only had two years left at Hogwarts, and if he never made the Quidditch team what would he tell his Children! And his younger brother Regulus was a shoe in for the Slytherin team, and if he made the team and Sirius didn't it would be more fuel for his families superiority complex.

"Okay fine" Remus said openning his book and starting to read "Prongs tell Padfoot how much better he got."

"You got so much better" James exclaimed as he jumped off his bed "And this gonna be your year! Our year, you'll make the team, and we will win the quiddtich cup, and then the house cups, and Lily Evans will finally admit that she is madly in love with me." 

"UGhhhh" Sirius moan rolling over on to his face "You said I'd make the team but then you said Lily Evan's will fall in love with you so now your credibility is gone."

"Breakfast will make you feel better." Peter said clearly just wanted to go eat and Sirius' really wasn't hungry but he agree anyways, and the four of them began the walk down to the Great Hall.

"You are going to come watch right Moony?" Sirius asked as he took a seat next to Remus at the Grffinydor table. Remus looked at him with surprise but smiled warmly.

"If you want me to?" Remus said reaching across the table for a piece of toast which he put on Sirius' plate. 

"Of course I do." Sirius said "But I don't want this." Pointing at the toast on his plate. 

"you gotta eat Padfoot. You'll play better. Look they even got bumbleberry jam your favourite." Remus said.

Sirius just smiled, feeling a blush creep on to his cheek at the fact his friend knew him so well. He munched on his toast, as Remus watched him to make sure he did. Remus ate a big breakfast as well. The full moon was only a week away and it always made the Werewolf in him hungry. Once done all four of them headed down to the Quiddtich pitch. Remus, and Peter  parted ways from Sirius, and James as they headed into change. 

There weren't many people watching from the stands as try-outs weren't that interesting, and could go on for ages. Remus and Peter took a seat at the front of the stands, acouple rows forward from a group of Gryffindor Third year girls. 

"The captain is Julia Eagleson" said one of the girls "And honestly Lea, She is so pretty. If she wasn't in seventh year I would totally ask her to go to Hogsmede with me"

"Yeah, and the prettiest most popular girl in Gryffindor would only say no to you cause your in third year, it has nothing to do with that fact she has no idea who you are." Her friend said rolling her eyes.

Peter leaned closer to Remus and whispered "She's right, Julia is gotta be the prettiest girl in all of Gryffindor"

Remus' supressed a small smile at the fact Peter seemed not to bat an eye at a girl student talking so openly about how pretty another girl is. It gave him a glimmer of hope at the idea of his friends not concerned at all if he finally allowed Lukas to hold his hand in public.

"You should go for it then Wormtail." Remus said with a smile. "You never know she might think you're cute too."

"Yeah thats about as likely as Lilly Evans running on to this pitch and asking James to marry her." Peter said with a homourless chuckle. 

The tryouts started, and Remus watched with interest as Sirius and James and about 20 other Gryffindors walked on to the pitch. Julia tossed her hair and started yelling instruction about the drills, before mounting her broom, while the others followed.

"You reckon James will be captain next year after Julia is gone?" Peter asked. James had been talking about being Quidditch captain since their first night at Hogwarts. When he first made the team he went on a 20 minute rant about how this Dad had been Quidditch captain, and he would be Quidditch captain, and one day his and Lily Evans child would be Quidditch captain. 

"It'll be him or Frank Longbottom I think" Remus' replied "But what do I know, as Padfoot pointed this morning I am a Quidditch idiot."

The girls began talking about again an involuntarily Remus' ears picked up at the sound of Sirius' name. 

"Look at Sirius Black though" Lea said "I cannot believe he didn't make the team last year. If I was Team Captain  I would have let him in just cause of his hair."

"Julia doesn't think like that. She is smart and logical not like you." He friend replied clearly not caring much for Sirius.

"Is it possible he got hotter over summer" The girl said dreamily. 

"Padfoot gets all the girls without even trying." Peter said in a huff.

Remus had to force a chuckle, but the chattering girls behind him where starting to get on his nerves as well. He leaned forward to watch the drills. It seemed Julia had spilt the group into two, and was playing a mock game. James was wizzing around looking for the snitch, and Sirius was speeding down the pitch Quaffle in hand. As he neared the hoop Remus sat closer to the rail, mutter come on come on, under his breathe. Sirius wizzed between two player placing a well aimed shot gliding through the hoops. Remus let out a loud cheer that Peter quickly joined in on. A huge grin on his face as Sirius turned around to look up to the stands, eyes locking on Remus. 

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