I know those eyes P.1

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Strolling across the street, was a boy that I knew well. The boy's name was Yugi.

I pledged to protect him, from the very first moment I met him.

Or well, when I first saw him.

I'm a spirit.

Sadly, he can't see me.

But sometimes, it seems like he can. Or at least, seems like he knows that I'm nearby.

There was one time I bumped into him accidentally, causing him to fall to the floor. He then looked straight up at me. His eyes had seemed to bore into mine, melting a trail through my skull and into my very being.

Yugi was gifted.

Which was just another reason I need to protect him.


"That's why they lost, right? They didn't try?" Grandpa said, scooting in the booth across from me.

I just got back from the district's annual state trivia competition. Despite how hard my team studied, we were always struggling but failing to finish first.

"No, Grandpa. They won fair and square. Literally..." I said referring to the last question.

"Yugi, having to solve an equation on the spot is incredibly difficult. I'm surprised they even knew it." Grandpa slid me my favorite hot coco, topped with more whipped cream then usual.

"Well, we'll get them next time!" I said sitting up straighter feeling instantly better. I knew what I had to do.

"Grandpa, I'm ready to go." I said after downing my hot coco. Grandpa laughed and pointed at my face. I raised an eyebrow.

"Yugi you have a mustache like me!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed too as I looked at my reflection with a spoon.

"I'm going to start the car, go to the bathroom and clean up." Grandpa walked out, leaving me to go to the bathroom. I ran in and wiped my face with a paper towel. I heard a small chuckle. I whirled around my heart speeding up and pounding in my ears.

I saw nothing.

"Who's there?" I said as a chill fan across my skin causing goosebumps.

"You looked funny," a familiar voice whispered. I saw a whisp of red eyes.

"Hey! Aren't you-!"

Just as quickly as the person was here, he left. He just simply disappeared.

"Hey!" I yelled out frantically peering around the restroom.

"I'm going crazy," I muttered to myself, walking out of the burger joint and into Grandpa's rusty yet reliable car.

"Yugi, are you alright?" Grandpa questioned as he stared at me, widely written all over his face. I nodded vigorously before turning my head towards the window. I watched the city go by as we drove back to our apartment.

For the rest of my day, my thoughts were completely occupied with that of the mysterious red eyes I had seen.


Later that evening

I twirled a loose piece of string on my blanket.

Grandpa's light had went out a little while ago, signaling the man had finally went to sleep. Grandpa was usually the last one in the entire building to fall asleep, as shown by his light that stayed on for so long.

Usually. Not always.

That is to say, sometimes I take that role when I am unable to sleep myself.

I know I wasn't hallucinating, I know him. But why can't I remember! It's like my memories have been blocked off!

"Agh!" I whisper-yelled, sitting up straight despite the springs of my bed squeaking in protest. I sighed, my cheek resting on my hand.

"Who are you.."

Finally, after an eternity of tossing and turning, exhaustion hit me like a truck. I fell asleep, not having any energy to resist.
Yugi's dream:

I was being chased, sweat rolled down my face as I looked back at the hunters. They were ruthless, and if I didn't get away I wouldn't see the next sunrise.

Turning towards an alley, I choked back a sob.

"Dead end. Haha," teased a big, surly man coming at me slowly taunting me with each step. I cowered in the corner my hands covering my eyes.

"P-Please sir! I'm only eight!" I said as my last defense, he just laughed.

"You're lucky the others didn't get you.. they would have drawn it out. I do it quick, I like hearing the hopeless screams."

The big man started walking towards me until he was staring down right at me.

His knife was poised. A hand came in front of my face, and instinctively I grabbed it and the holder pulled me up.

The Hunter howled in outrage, his sausage fingers grasping at my dangling legs. I kicked him before jumping over the brick wall, the hand assuring in pulling me over.

"Hey!" I said, a little irked by not seeing the source of the hand and thus his rescuer.

"He must be over here!" Another Hunter yelled pointing in my direction. I wanted to scream.

They were coming going to me. What would they do once they found me?

A hand reached out and snatched me back, holding it over my mouth. I figured it was the same person that helped me up earlier.

The killers left, unable to sniff out their prey.

"H-Hey? Who are you?" I looked back at my savior.

"Not yet, little Yugi, not yet."

The man disappeared into the shadows.

I blinked a few times, before gasping aloud.

"He looked just like me!"
I woke up gasping. Those red eyes.

They were in my dreams now too.

I rubbed my eyes, and massaged my head in thought.

"Today's a day for research."

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