Wee Willie Winkie's Final Case (Mystery)

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Prompt Title: Off the Record

Prompt: You've finished an interview with a famous murder-mystery author, who claims they've developed their writing from "years of close experience". Only this time the interview is off the record, and so are you. (500 words)

My word count: 490

Wee Willie Winkie's Final Case

I clicked off the recorder and sighed. My very last interview with Lee Buchanan had just finished, and I still couldn't believe what he'd told me. 

"You're seriously retiring from writing?" I shook my head. "Why? I know what you said, but you're still in good health, you still-"

"I'm 83," Lee said, with a slight chuckle and took a sip of his tea. "It's time I turned my attention to other things. Remember, I retired from medicine when I was in my fifties. Besides, don't you think I should give Janet Reyes a chance at the Golden Dagger after all these years?"  

His eyes twinkled as he spoke the name of his rival on the mystery bestseller list. Janet had publicly joked about bumping Lee off to gain that prestigious award, but under the ribbing, I knew there was genuine jealousy. I'd interviewed her, too. More than once.

"In any case, my dear, I have one more left in me. And one's last should be one's best." 

My immediate interest must have shown on my face because Lee chuckled again, bouncing his cane a few times on the salon carpeting. 

"I don't think it unfair to say we have a special relationship, Bethany. I'm your favourite author, and you are my favourite journalist. We've known each other for a long time. There's no one else I'd trust the announcement of my retirement to."

I felt a blush rise on my cheeks, but before I could thank him, he went on. "So, what I'm about to say is just for you. Off-the-record."

There was more? I leaned forward, wanting desperately to hit the 'record' button again. Anything Lee told me exclusively was career gold. 

"You've often remarked on the realism in my novels, and I've always said it was my medical training. That is, and isn't, true. You see, I have to know my murders actually work or I can't write them." 

"Work how?" I frowned.

"The Wee Willy Winkie series contains seventeen novels and I've committed seventeen murders, Bethany. Oh, not in every detail that's in the books, but in all the important ones. That's the real reason for my retirement. I'm just getting too old for the 'on-the-ground' research."  

He shrugged.

"Wait, you're telling me you killed real people? As research?" I giggled, nervously.  

"That's the realism you adore. And I've got one more left in me before I bow out."

I stared at him, my mouth hanging open. 

He smiled back, a kind grandfatherly smile. 

"You're my favourite, my dear, so I've decided you'll be Wee Willie's last case. I'm going to make you into art. Your death, at least, as a token of my esteem. It's a shame you won't get to read the novel, I'd love to know your opinion. But, before you go, you'll know how it all ends. I promise."

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