Birthday Fun

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"stop that. That wasn't nice." I said smacking him on the arm "I'm sorry for my language." I said to my live

"hi everyone." Said to my live "please say someone screen recorded that." He added still laughing a bit

A few of the comments said they did record it

"great. I can't wait to watch that back." He said reading them

He then left and I continued on live for a bit. I then ended it and said I would see them on TikTok live later. I went and chilled and looked at some more fan edits and liked them. We then went out to dinner and they surprised me with my 2 best friends there. We all chatted and enjoyed the meal.

We got back to the house and chilled a bit. We had found out that trump might be banning TikTok tomorrow so we were all a bit sad but it was going to be ok. We had other social media to use and could go live on insta.

We went live that night and it was mainly my music on with the occasional song for the boys. I chatted to my fans, danced, sang, thanked them for all the Venmo's and PayPal's I was receiving.

My 2 friends came and said hi in the live and chatted for a bit. I even danced with Tristan on live and he danced with mamma Mel and so did I in my live. Chris ended up ripping his shirt off and then trying to grind but failing and going right over onto his back instead. Tristan ended up taking his shirt off and I just turned my live to him as I just sit there when Zach plays a curtain 3 songs as I would probably get banned if I did anything but they never minded.

Tristan then got paid to grind so I just let my live watch him and so did I. I haft to admit it was so hot watching him grind on the floor then laughing about Chris failing. I went and chatted in the skybox and had fun.

Near the end, I decided to go off to talk to my live. I went downstairs to my room.

"I just wanted to come to talk to y'all away from all that sound. I want to thank you all so much for all the birthday wishes and for everything y'all have done for me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Hopefully, TikTok doesn't get banned tomorrow but if it does, I will still be everywhere else and I will be going live on insta. I'm not leaving y'all. These past few months have been crazy but I love it. With finding Tristan to moving into this house with the other boys and growing so much in such a short amount of time and that's all thanks to all of you. I love you all so much. Y'all are amazing and are my fellow princesses and princes always keep your head up or your crown will fall. Never let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Live your life to the fullest. If you dream it and work for it you can achieve it. My DM's, as usual, are always open and I will always still do my Wednesday ted talks and advice. Live every minute like it's your last as you will never know when it will end. You guys need to keep your heads up and ignore the haters. Your all beautiful and amazing people who can achieve anything you put your minds to. So, stay royal and I will see y'all tomorrow. I love you all so much." I said before ending my live.

I walked back upstairs and then got called back with the others by Zach to take pictures. Dayne was still sat their live so the 6 of us posed for some screenshots there. He then ended his live and we posed for the skybox live just us and then mamma Mel and Heidi joined us and then Zach did. I then went back to my friends in the kitchen and Zach ended his live. We chatted for a bit and they went home. They watched my live and had said that what I said was really sweet. They then went home and I went downstairs looking for Tristan.

I found him led him his bed alone watching tv.

"hey," I said

"oh hey." He replied,

"mind if I join?" I asked,

"no of course not." He replied

He shuffled up and I climbed up onto his bunk next to him.

"thank you for today. I had a great birthday." I said

"that's ok. I'm glad." He replied

We led their watching tv for a bit before I said I should go back to mine and sleep.

He got down and then helped me down a bit but I fell a bit but he saved me. I was in his arms against his chest. Our faces and lips were so close to each other that I could hear his heartbeat. We just stood there looking in each other's eyes before he turned and let go a bit.

"thank you. Good, save." I said moving away

"Yeah, no problem. Night," he said

"night," I replied

I walked back to my room, changed and then got up to my bunk and led their thinking out that moment. I should have kissed him. Another moment between us missed. Overall, I had had a great birthday. One of the best in years to me.


Tristan's POV

I led in bed that evening. Yet again I had been an idiot and not kissed her. No one was about and yet I was still nervous to kiss her so I didn't. maybe I will feel the courage at some point to do it but for now, we are just good friends, best friends. 

Be my quarantine (Tristan Blane)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt