The start of something new

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I'm Beth prince. I'm your average teenage girl. I'm in my last year of high school and I'm excited and nervous for the future. I am not popular but I'm also not a loser. I have my two best friends Louise and Kate. I live in LA with my parents and I have an older brother who lives in New York. The year started normal and was going to be great. That was until a pandemic occurred and we went into quarantine.

We were all set for prom and graduation but it was ruined. School closed, classes went online and I could no longer see my best friends. Our senior year was ruined. We were looking forward to prom so much but we're not going to get it. We spent loads on dresses and other preparations for it to just go to waste.

My days turned into me staying up late, doing some zoom classes and spending more time on TikTok. I had an account and had done some bad videos on it but had it on private that only my friends could see. I was so bored that I just said fuck it and put it on public and ended up filming some videos.

I found this cute guy called Tristan on TikTok who did povs. They were pretty cool so I decided to do some duets with him in them. I made a couple, posted them and then didn't check it until the next morning. I woke up to 1000's of new followers. Loads of the comments were loving it and were saying we looked so cute together.

I decided to film some more and the same happened. People loved me doing duets with Tristan. I found out he was a part of this house in LA called Dream LA. I decided to follow them all and tune into their live's that night. I really enjoyed it and Tristan was so cute and making me laugh so much. I even got up and danced to some on the songs with him in my room.

I spent the whole week doing loads of duets with Tristan and every day my following grew. It was crazy. I did some with one of the other members of the house Bryan and although people liked it, they preferred my Tristan ones.

After 2 weeks of me doing duets with Tristan, I decided to do some of just myself and tagged Tristan to duet it with me and asked my fans to tag him in it to get him to duet it so I had more chance of him seeing it. Turns out he did because he dueted it that day and posted it and I couldn't believe it.

I watched his live that night and some of the fans were saying about the video being so cool and that we looked cute together. I commented

"Thanks, guys, means a lot. There are more on mine but I think Tristan needs to do some with me."

"cool you're in the chat. Definitely I will, your good, in fact, I'm going to hit you with a follow and I'll film some tomorrow." Tristan said in return

"awesome. Ok, I'll film some tomorrow too." I commented back

I couldn't believe he had just followed me and agreed with the fans to film some more with me. I enjoyed the rest of the live and then went to bed. 

Be my quarantine (Tristan Blane)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant