Chill day

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The next day I chilled for a bit in bed as I usually do and then uploaded my footage from my camera to my laptop. I started editing but took a break for lunch. I then got back to work and finished editing and had a thumbnail by 2. I rendered and uploaded it and set it up to upload at 6. I then messaged Tristan

"finally. After 3 hours of editing my video is done." I said

"yay. When's it coming out?" he asked

"6 tonight." I replied

"cool. I can't wait." He said,

"aww thanks." I replied,

"you wanna face time?" Tristan asked

"sure." I replied

He called me I answered and we just started chatting and for one it wasn't about TikTok. We were generally getting to know each other. He was so easy to talk to and I loved it. We chatted for hours and then at 6

"dinner!" my mum shouted

"I've got to go. Talk soon." I said

"yeah ok. Talk soon." He replied

We ended the call and I checked to make sure my video had uploaded and it was so I then went and had some food. I came upstairs and Tristan had texted me

"great video as usual." He said,

"it's only my second one tho but thank u." I replied

"I know but they have both been great." He replied

"yeah. Thanks." I replied

"I especially like my cameo." He said,

"of course, you do." I replied

I then posted on TikTok and chilled on Netflix until there live. I watched Tristan's and he was so sweet again and told his fans to check out my new video. I enjoyed the live as usual before going to bed after it. 

Be my quarantine (Tristan Blane)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن